Chapter 35- Things change

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A sudden knocking jolted me awake from my peaceful slumber. Panic stricken I looked around before calming realising I was back home. "Breakfasts ready soon!" Emily called through the door before her footsteps retreated.

Sighing heavily I flopped back into bed snuggling back to my extremely warm bed. Only then did I realise a stirring Tyler next me with his arm wrapped around me tightly and our legs tangled up with one another.

"What did she say?" His deep tired morning voice croaked as he rolled onto his back stretching. I pulled myself up sitting back against the bed as I watched him rub his eyes trying to wake up. "Breakfast." My voice was softer than usual probably because of how much I've screamed the past 4 days.

As he groan rolling out of bed I sat there tiredly stretching my arms watching him as he walked towards the door, grabbing his shirt, shamelessly admiring his bare back; which had black and blue bruises covering him. I quickly snap myself out of it as he turns around.

"You coming?" He asked as I stared blankly for a moment.

"Hmm? Oh Yh in a minute..." he frowned slightly yet left anyway. Sighing heavily, I grunted with effort as I pulled myself out of bed, walking to the mirror I pulled my top off and traced the numerous bruises and cuts on my own body.

Shaking my head I grabbed some joggers and the hoodie I stole from Luke. Tying my hair up in a messy bun I placed some cream on the cuts and bruises on my face, before slowly heading down the aching pain in my body gradually getting worse. God I wish I could drink the pain away. I thought but quickly dismissed the idea. I can't go back to that.

Can I?

"She finally made it!" Exclaimed Ashley pulling me into a hug making me wince in pain, in an instant she pulled away giving me an apologetic look.

"Here you go pancakes without the bananas." Emily sent me a warm smile as I carefully sat down next to an equally battered and bruised Tyler who was stuffing his face, in the most unattractive way possible... not that he um- is attractive.

"So Tyler when are you going to your moms? Just so you know I'm not trying to get rid of you." Emily asked him as he shrugged.

"I'll head off in an hour if that's ok?" He asked as she nodded he went back to eating more pancakes.

"Hey B wanna meet up with the gang .. or they could come over?" Ashley spoke up making me stop pushing my half eaten food around. "How about some other time?"

"Oh Yh! Of course... some other times fine." She sent me a weak smile as I pushed my food away from me. "Thanks for the food.. I'm still tired so.." I point upwards before hopping off my seat and head into my room. I look around for a change of clothes. I just wanted to get out of here I don't know where but I needed space to think .... process.

Picking up a pair of jeans, I let out a gasp as Tyler suddenly entered the room pinning me against the wall his hands on either side of my head.

"What are you doing?" He asked me as I opened my mouth and no sound left me I huffed trying to calm my racing heart. Just adrenaline, I tell myself.

"I-I'm getting changed-"

"To go back to sleep?" He cut me off a glint in his eyes as I frowned. "Well-"

"Because- and I'm pretty sure everyone knows this Shortie but jeans? Not fun to sleep in so... What are you doing?" He questioned me further.

"Could you stop cutting me-" he cut me off once again making me growl in frustration.

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