Chapter 24 - Party Time

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"B will you hurry the hell up?" Ashley snapped at me whilst I let out a small huff of air. "Do you want me to burn you? Your the one who asked me to curl your hair!" I snapped back at her sticking my tongue out the corner of my mouth trying to curl a piece of hair.

"You look like you've never done this before!" She cried whilst rummaging through my lipsticks. "It's been a while! Okay?" I had two more pieces to do then I had to do my own which was easy enough all I needed was to pin it back and boom done.

"God how many shades of red are there?" I chuckled as she picked up three of the same shade. I leaned over opening the draw next to the reds revealing all the other shades I owned. Giving me a flat look through the mirror she picked up a pink.

"Okay I'm done." I said as I picked up the hairspray giving it a once over. She nodded getting up leaving me alone. Pinning some of my hair out of the way I put some gloss on deciding not to do my usual 'extreme' makeup look.

Slipping on some shoes I walked out Ashley grabbing my hand rushing us down the stairs. "Okay bye mom! Bye dad!" She shouted slapping my hand away from my jacket, as I scowled at her.

"It's cold outside!" She gave me a look shoving me out the door as I tripped over my own ankle before steading myself.

Baileys dress

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Baileys dress.

Ashley's dress

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Ashley's dress.

Just as we got to the road, Tyler's truck turned the corner with a Max hanging out the window and Luke grabbing onto him. Jenna next to them pinching the bridge of her nose. As they pulled up, the door opened causing Max the fall out of the car.

He looked over to us upside down before smiling and waving. "Hey guys!" Luke shoved him out, following after him as Jenna ran over hugging Ashley. "Thank God I thought I was going to die with these idiots." I laughed shaking my head as Max scrabbled to his feet acting like nothing happened.

"Who's this?" Tyler asked motioning towards me a smug look on his face as usual. "What's that supposed to mean Asshat?" I shoved him already annoyed.

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