23 - Until Origins : Part 3

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"You must be a bit confused. Let me backtrack a bit. I'll start from the beginning. My parents named me Kikelemo, which means pampered. I always thought that was fucking hilarious. Excuse my language, but what exactly about me was pampered? The hand me down clothes I wore or the little bit of food I got to eat? There were definitely people poorer than us in Lagos, but there were also most definitely a whole lot of people who were richer. I never believed my name rang true in any way until I gave birth to Ade. I named him 'the king became joy', and in a matter of years, he made both of us live up to our names. I love that boy with everything in me and proud isn't even the word for what I am of him. Yet, I wasn't always fair to him. I was depressed in a toxic relationship with three jobs and two kids to feed. It hurts my very core, but Ade is right. He did raise Feyi. I know that a lot of the time they had to fend for themselves. But I had no choice then. I had to put food on the table. Now, I have a choice. I see my child falling apart in front of my eyes and I have the choice to save her. I raised a genius, I'm not an idiot. I know what you two did. I know that I probably don't know nearly as much about the risks as Ade does. But what Ade does not realise is that if I didn't send for his sister, it wouldn't be a question of 'if' she makes it or 'if' she remains safe. She would have died. My Ade knows a lot, but he doesn't know what it feels like to be broken and feel like you have no way out. I do. And from what you've been through, I think you do too. You're like me. A fighter. But there's only so much fighting you can do until you feel tired, like you've run out of things to fight for. When I reached that point, I began fighting for my children. I lived for them because I no longer had the will to live for myself. I think at a certain point, you probably lived for Ade, or your family, or whatever it may be. But when you get to that point you have to find something to live for. What will Feyi find on that island all alone? Will she fight for her family? The same family she'd rather have think she's dead than see her in her current state? Will she fight for her brother, the one that she probably feels is thriving without her? Will she fight for her dead ex-boyfriend who sold her into slavery? She can't even fight for herself, there's no therapists or doctors or recovery groups there! We have left her in the worst mental state possible with few means to recover. I have never bought into that bullshit of mental health being unimportant. A healthy mental state is essential and sometimes so is mental treatment. My child needs help, and something to live for, desperately. And I will give my life if I need to in order to give it to her."

"I understand, I do. But wait...what ex boyfriend? Ximenes? Ximenes and Ade's sister were together?"

"Well Ade doesn't know this, but I've been in contact with Feyi. I spoke to my daughter for the first time in five years a couple months ago. I learned what happened to her. She had a boyfriend, not Ximenes, but someone who seemed to work for a gang affiliated with Ximenes. They thought they were in love, but things quickly turned sour and she moved on. When she did, he made her a target. Traffickers usually do find you through a loved one. He asked her to meet up and talk, and then they took her and that was that. Feyi didn't see Ximenes until years into her ordeal. When she did, she thought he would free her, but she knew too much. I calculated the timelines and little did she know that at the same time she found Ximenes, he had just offered the deal to Ade. My baby doesn't even realize the amount of talent he has, but no one was bringing the type of ideas Ade had to the table. I know some part of him thinks this was only possible through crime. But, if it wasn't Ximenes it would've been apple, or samsung, or someone else that also uses slave labor in the form of sweatshops. But I digress, Ade was it, whether he knew it or not. Ximenes' wealth was growing at a rate that was not proportional to his shell tech company, and in order to avoid suspicion he would have to legitimize the company. He would not be able to do so without Ade's ideas bringing all that profit to the company. Thus, if Feyi was freed and inevitably went home, all of Ximenes' plans would crash around his ears. Between her and Ade, they would soon figure out what Ximenes was doing, how he was doing it, and bring him to his knees. He couldn't have that. So he debated killing her, but when it came down to it he couldn't do it. He relieved her of most of her 'duties' and she was kind of just there in hiding for years. I have no idea how Ade's PI was able to find her, but when he did he told her to give him the address and time for her next transfer. She was transferred through that empty warehouse with a group. She set up a rebellion, they murdered their handlers, and everyone fled the scene except for her. She stayed and she waited for Ade, and less than an hour later he arrived."

"Oh my goodness. So is she coming back today? Have you told Ade all this?"

"She'll be here before Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I think he deserves to hear her full story from her. I'm not gon tell him, and neither will you. I've only told you because I know that Ade doesn't talk when he's upset. You can't help him if you don't know what's going on, so I've told you. Not to mention that we needed to have a chat. You have no context for half the things that go on in this house. The reason that I say so much about Ade getting married is partially just because I like to tease him. But honestly, I am happy because he's married to you, even if it probably is for reasons that y'all can't tell me. My ex husband... not enough can be said. The only reason I was able to get out of that relationship is because I realised I was truly doing my children a disservice by allowing them to grow up in that environment. After Ade's father died I married Rashaad so quickly because I not only needed financial support but also because I wanted my children to see something different. When I heard about the relationship that led to Feyi's kidnapping, I cried for hours. I thought all my work was for nothing. She had landed in a toxic relationship as well and Ade seemed to be too traumatized to even look a woman's way. It was all my fault because I tolerated things I never should've tolerated especially with children to think about. Then, I saw you and Ade. A genuine, healthy, and loving relationship. Possibly born out of the worst situation ever, but still so beautiful. You restored my faith in my parenting. When I said I was glad Ade was capable of love, that was a slight to me, not him. Because if he couldn't, it would've been all my fault. " her eyes clouded with tears "The same way everything Feyi has been through so far is my fault. A mother is meant to protect her children, and I failed, but I'll never stop trying to make up for it and you have helped me with that. You are the reason I called Feyi last night, heard the pain in her voice, and saved her. So, even if you may not agree with what I did, I hope you and Ade find it in your heart to forgive me. I care for both of you more than you could ever imagine." She finally placed the mac and cheese in the oven and dusted off her hands. Before she could even fully stand up I pulled her into a hug. I didn't realise how much I had missed having a mother figure. I needed to call my mama. But first, I needed to check on Ade.

"Thank you Ma. It means a lot, really. As for Ade, you have raised the best man I have ever met. I won't invalidate your feelings, but just know that with a child like him there's no way you failed. I will keep Feyi in my prayers as well and I hope she arrives safely. Is there anything else you need help with in the kitchen?"

"No, thank you Nani. You've done more than enough. I'm going to put my feet up and Rashaad is gonna finish whatever I don't do. There has to be some benefit to that man." she snickered

"Okay." I chuckled and prepared to leave before turning to her one last time. "I..." I took a second to gather my words, remembering the significance of speaking to an elder in my culture. "...I don't want to speak out of turn Ma. But, I hope you find peace with yourself. Ade thinks the world of you, and from what I've heard, Feyi does too. I've been down the road of self-reproach, and it leads nowhere for anyone. You deserve more. And I think Feyi and Ade deserve your focus on their present, rather than the mistakes of your past. "

Titi Iku: Until Death (Sequel To Irikuri)Where stories live. Discover now