20-Until Parentals

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A couple hours later I had refolded Ade's entire suitcase and added all the things I knew he would forget. Then, finally we were on the road. Ever since I got my hands on my license, Ade was willing to let me drive anywhere and everywhere. The fact that my speeding and swerving could kill us both didn't bother him in the slightest. At least now I'd be killing us legally. Of course the self driving function was always an option, but for some reason I really preferred the feeling of the wheel in my hands. I suppose it was a control thing, and usually Ade was okay with that. However, today we were driving all the way to Virginia and four hours plus traffic was proving to be more than his little heart could bear.

" I swear to God they just be giving licenses to anybody down here! Bitch move! The fuck wrong with you?"

"Nki are you sure you want to drive? You seem tired." Ade looked at me warily

"You shut up. This wouldn't have been nearly as bad if you would've let us drive down a couple days ago like I said. Of course the traffic is terrible. It's the day before Thanksgiving!"

"Nki if we had gone down even yesterday my mother would've forced us to stay with her."

"What's wrong with that?"

"I've told you before, my mother and I don't get along."

"Well you said you didn't get along when you were a kid which implies it's improved since then."

"It's improved because now I can control how often I'm around her. Which is why I choose not to stay with her."

"Oh for Christs sake. If we aren't staying with her anyways why did we bring suitcases?"

"Because I'm gonna need a vacation after this dinner, and I knew you would've refused to go if I had told you in advance."

"Well of course I would've! I don't have time for a vacation, I was only willing to make an exception because family is important to me."

"You'll be fine. If you can make time to deal with the master of destruction you can make time to relax."

"You're so dramatic, leave your mother alone. She seems to be fine with us getting married."

"Oh who gives a fuck about that. That's the least of my concerns. In fact, she'll probably love you so much she'll leave her husband and y'all will get married instead. Annoying people tend to get along-"


"-no offense. Her and I just don't get along. You have nothing to do with it but I know we'll find a way to piss each other off before the end of thanksgiving and that is why I brought suitcases to find the nearest spa and get a deep tissue massage when this is over."

"You really are so childish."

"And proud of it. Wake me up when we get there. Actually, don't. Carry me in- since I'm a child and all." he smiled and turned towards the window to sleep. I glared at him and turned up my music. When we finally arrived about an hour later I tried to slap him awake but he grabbed my hand.

"You've been awake this whole time?"

"How did you expect me to sleep with the music blasting?"

"Well in my defense you have slept through much more before...Anyways we're here." I turned off the car and stepped out, grabbing my bag from the back along with a gift for Ade's mother. I headed towards the front door and Ade trailed behind me quietly until we reached the porch. When he stepped in front of the door a camera quickly scanned his face and opened the door automatically, sending a ping through the house to notify those inside that we were here.

Titi Iku: Until Death (Sequel To Irikuri)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu