10-Until Reintroduction

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Just as I was about to pick up where I left off the last time and beat Lola's ass, Asante squealed and ran over to her. For a second I thought she was about to beat her up for me, then she pulled her into a hug.

My jaw dropped.

"Lolaaaa girl it has been way too long! I missed your ass whatchu been doing?" Asante gasped as they finally let go of each other

"Girl I missed you too we need to get lunch! I've been doing the usual. Finally convinced my father's misogynistic ass to let me go to college, albeit three years late, but it's better than nothing I guess."

"Bitch good for you! You deserve it and so much more."

I stood in the doorway tuning out their conversation and getting more and more irritated by the second. Not only was I annoyed because Lola was an evil bitch that tried to blackmail my man, I was also a very possessive person naturally - even if I refused to admit it. All this buddy buddy shit she was doing with my best friend like I didn't exist had me more ready to fight than ever. So ready that I was too busy fuming to hear my name being called. I finally snapped into reality to see them both staring at me.

"Nani? Nani? Oh good you're back to earth. Anyways I was saying your roommate and I go way back! I met Lola when I was like fifteen at this charity event my parents forced me to go to. We talked in a corner all night and we've been tight ever since! I'm so excited for you! I know you guys will get along, Lola's good peoples."

"Lola and I have actually met." I smirked, seeing the slight panic on Lola's face.


"Yup. Hey would you mind going to the car and picking up one of the boxes I left in the trunk while Lola and I get reacquainted?"

"Sure..I guess." Asante gave me a weird look before walking out. As soon as she closed the door behind her Lola started speaking.

"Look Nani I want to apologize now for everything that happened that night. I wasn't myself at all. I was just following orders and I swear on my life I had no idea what Ximenes was doing when I was with him. I knew he was probably into some illegal shit but shit that evil? I never...anyways it doesn't matter. Ade didn't deserve anything I did or said that night and you didn't deserve to hear it. I know it's probably too much to ask for us to start over, but I really hope over time you'll realize that isn't who I am. It wasn't who I was then, and it definitely isn't who I am now. I understand that we probably can't be friends, but honestly it would mean so much if you could just tolerate me as a roommate?" What kind of notes app ass apology...

"Lola...lemme tell you something. I don't care who you were then, I don't care who you are now, and I don't give a fuck about who ordered you to do what. I'm just going to say this, you stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours and hopefully this doesn't end with you getting bitch slapped. I will file for us to get a room change as soon as the two week trial period is over and then we can get on with our lives and hopefully never see each other again. I already beat your ass, and it was satisfying, so I don't need your apology. You know who does? Oh yeah! Probably the man you tried to coerce and blackmail into having sex and marrying you! Once you grow the balls to apologize to Ade you can get back to me."

"But...I did?"

"Wait, you what?"

"Some time in June right after shit hit the fan and Ximenes went missing and I found out about everything, I asked Ade to meet up. I actually asked about you but he told me you were with your family- of course he didn't say where and kind of changed the subject. He's almost as protective of you as you are of him. It's cute. Anyways I told him everything and apologized and he accepted. He said he knew that wasn't like me to begin with.  Ade and I were actually quite good friends a while back, so maybe that made it easier for him to forgive me, I dunno. I just...I really am sorry, and if you need some time, I get it. "

"Yeah sure. We're good I guess. As I said, you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours." Just as Lola opened her mouth to respond, Asante opened the door with a huge box in her arms. I took it from her and as I began moving my stuff in I silently listened to her and Lola catching up . Asante was used to my antisocial ass not participating in conversations so she didn't think much of it, but I could tell Lola was uncomfortable with my silence. That made me smile. Throughout the day their interactions made me realize why Asante liked Lola so much. She was definitely charming, and sweet, and kind of a social butterfly. Basically the antithesis of me. But, I was good at reading people. Lola had sad eyes. I thought back to what she had said about following orders. About what she said that night about being maltreated by Ximenes. As I analyzed the way she talked, the way her smile didn't reach her eyes, the way she moved as if she was constantly on defense, I realized something. 

Maybe we weren't so different after all.

It still didn't mean I disliked her any less. As we finished moving in the last of my stuff, her and Asante asked me if I wanted to go get lunch, and I quickly weighed my options. I could go home and deal with Ade...ew. Or, I could sit through an awkward and fake lunch with the saddest girl I've ever seen. The second I realized Ade would probably be at work by the time I got home, my choice was made.

"Sorry guys, I just realized I left a box at home and it's not too far so I'm probably gonna run over and grab lunch while I'm there. I can still come back to drive you to the train station if you need it Asante?" 

"Nah I think I'll get Lola to give me a lil tour of the town so I can be familiar because you bet your ass I'm coming back to visit asap." 

"Alright, enjoy the rest of your day girl. Facetime me as soon as you get home tonight. I love you, be safe." I hugged Asante then turned to Lola "It was...nice meeting you again Lola. I'll see you in a bit at orientation." I forced a smile

"It was nice meeting you too." she smiled genuinely and I cursed her out in my head as I grabbed my bag, and headed out the door.

Titi Iku: Until Death (Sequel To Irikuri)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat