19-Until Stability

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The day before Thanksgiving sweat was pouring down my face and every muscle in my body ached as I finished my last set. I was about ready to pass out. I huffed, dropping my two hundred and fifty pound weight on the floor, when I finally hit twenty dead lifts. My water sat waiting next to me and I began chugging as I stretched and headed towards the showers. I did this martial arts strength conditioning three times a week even though I opted out of continuing martial arts on a professional level in college. When I was applying, I thought maybe I could be free from the activity that put so much pressure on me ever since I started it in order to battle my trauma. I got serious about martial arts to defend myself after being abused for so long, but when I became good at it, the pressure to win became insane. So I won, time and time again. But I thought that maybe in college I could start focusing on things that genuinely made me happy. Competing in martial arts did not make me happy at the time. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop martial arts now. I'll never feel safe enough. Some residual skills would have been enough to keep me safe for the rest of my life if I had a normal one, but I didn't. Ade and I's lives were constantly in danger and even though my husband was more than capable of taking care of himself with his boxing background, I needed to protect both him and myself. I never bought into the whole thing of men being protectors. It always brought fights between my ex and I, but I never cared. I protect everyone I love. So yes, Ade may protect me, but he knows I'll use my last breath to protect him too. Which is why I couldn't afford to stop. I went on a run almost every morning, strength trained three days a week, sharpened my skills through my job teaching at the dojo five days a week, and boxed or sparred with Ade whenever we had a spare second. It was our favorite 'couples' activity even before we were a couple.

I finally exited the gym ten minutes before I was supposed to meet Asante - who was home for thanksgiving- for lunch with Lola. I drove over in silence, focusing on my thoughts. I used car rides to gather my thoughts way too often ever since I finally got my license. Thank god for the self driving function. Ade and I had fought the night before and I couldn't get it off of my mind. It was a petty squabble. So petty that I don't even remember what it was about now, but at the time it scared me. I thought maybe it was a sign that our relationship wouldn't be as perfect as I thought it would be. I told Ade I didn't place him on a pedestal, and that was true, but i definitely placed us on a pedestal. How could I not? I truly didn't think it was possible for any other couple to understand and love each other the way we did. I thought that we'd be above petty arguments. I shook off my disappointment and walked into the cafe, heading to the table where I saw them.

"Alright y'all lets make this quick. I know Ade's childish ass hasn't packed his shit yet and we're supposed to leave early tomorrow so I should get home soon."

"Ohh I see the man has you whipped." Asante giggled taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Girl I know your ass ain't talking when you still whipped by a man you haven't seen in three months. I know your pussy wondering if there's a drought or some shit."

"Nani." Lola gasped trying not to laugh along with Asante who was already losing her shit laughing.

"Lola hop off my dick you know I'm just playing. Anyways what's the move for Thanksgiving with y'all."

"Imma get you back for that, bighead. Anyways Thanksgiving this year is just gonna be trash since I have to go deal with my parents who I'm barely talking to right now." Asante sighed

"Yeah that was gonna be my situation as well. I kinda feel bad because my mom seems sad, but chile they could not have paid me enough to deal with my father when I know he doesn't want me there. You, on the other hand, know you're always welcome at my house so you should drop by." I said

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