30- Until Things Pick Up

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It took a week for me to respond to Miguel's texts. He had apologized profusely ever since he got home the night of the incident, but I honestly didn't have the patience to explain the whole thing. When I finally felt the need to tell Ade what happened, I boiled it all down to one sentence: "he disrespected you, so I beat his ass". I didn't want to spend another second of my life acknowledging his existence. However, our project deadline was fast approaching; since it involved a video presentation with both of us in the same room, I figured I had to respond eventually. I sighed and flicked my wrist before gesturing to the message application on the hologram being emitted from a slim band on my wrist. The holobands were getting even more advanced - so much so that I finally agreed to call them holobands. The wonderful thing about the prototype I was wearing was the long battery life allowed the device to run primarily on solar energy. It only needed a charge from an electrical outlet when it was cloudy for long periods of time. Considering the projected use of these devices, the amount of fossil fuel use was projected to drop drastically and contribute to pushing back our looming global warming crisis. I was beyond proud of Ade for its sustainable and innovative design; the product was just one of the many incredible devices I was excited to see him debut at his rebranding launch. With the launch only a month away, I was almost more in awe of Ade than usual (if that was possible). So, needless to say, I was irritated by the prospect of having to interact with Miguel again. I rolled my eyes as I switched on dictation and muttered my message to him.

Me: when can you meet up to film?

Miguel: I thought you were never going to speak to me again

Me: ...I probably won't. I just want to finish the assignment. We're too far in to choose new partners.

Miguel: Of course, I understand. Just in case you didn't get my messages, I truly want you to know how sorry I am. I think I was just insecure and I took it out on your relationship. Dick move."

"Yeah okay whatever. Can you do later today?"

"Yes, I can! When and where?"

"4 o'clock. My place."

"I'll be there!"

I closed my message application and gagged, rolling my eyes at Miguel's ass-kissing. I pulled myself out of bed to start tidying up the house a bit. Lola said she would be dropping by around 12pm, which meant she would actually be here by 12:45 at the earliest. I smiled to myself before hopping in the shower. It was now 12:15 so I had at least a good thirty minutes. When I stepped out I thought about calling Ade to check in on him, but I decided to let him focus on this especially busy day. I knew he would be home before Miguel arrived so I would take the opportunity to talk to him then. A good twenty minutes later, Lola arrived just as the clock struck 12:50.

"Well well well, look who showed up." I laughed as I welcomed her in

"Girl you know I run on CPT, you're used to it by now." She shrugged

"Don't bring the rest of us into your shit, you even late by CPT standards. Did you bring the flashcards?"

"Yes, I did. It was my first time making flashcards by hand in at least 10 years."

"Mine too. I always do it online but I figured I could use as much help as I can get for this psych midterm and they say that writing terms by hand helps with memory."

"Girl, don't trip too much over this exam. This is actually my first time studying for psych. This class has been a breeze."

"A breeze? Lola, you gotta give me some of what you're on because I swear to God I can never remember a damn thing we learn in that class. There are too many damn words that we're expected to memorize and I don't know how I'm supposed to retain that much information in one semester. It's deadass stressing me out. Do you mind if we order in for lunch? I got dressed and everything but I'm in the mood to bum around on the couch and contemplate my future if this stupid ass class ruins my GPA." I threw myself on the couch and Lola came to sit next to me, patting my head comfortingly.

Titi Iku: Until Death (Sequel To Irikuri)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя