21- Until Origins

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Eventually the conversation got back to normal and Ade and his mother even exchanged a few jokes, but I could tell there was something deeper behind their conflict upon our arrival. His mother and I, on the other hand, got along like a house on fire. Our cackles erased much of the awkwardness. But still, at the end of the night Ade and I retired to our room with a somewhat awkward tension in the air. I knew something was wrong, but I was trying to figure out how to ask him. In the meantime I tried to take down the large afro puff my hair was gathered into as fast as possible in front of the mirror. Although I couldn't deny the style made me look snatched as fuck, it also inevitably resulted in a headache by the end of the night. My fingers roamed my head trying to undo the shoestring that held up my hair until I became fed up and reached for a pair of scissors. I was ready to cut the stupid string and some of my hair if necessary. Luckily, the scissors never reached my head. A soft hand reached out from behind me and carefully took the scissors out of my hand before quickly undoing the knot. I sighed and leaned back on his shoulder as his fingers kept massaging my scalp.

"I really don't know why you do this to yourself every time just to end up grumpy with a headache." he sighed and pulled out a stool, gesturing for me to sit on it. I felt a comb begin parting my hair and reached up to stop him.

"Ade you really don't have to. I don't even let my mom do my hair anymore."

"Well then it's a good thing I ain't your mom. Sit your stubborn ass down. I know them arms aching." I frowned and was going to cuss him out until I realized my arms really were aching, and his hands were magic. I could barely feel a thing as he sectioned my hair off and started braiding.

"How are you better at doing my own hair than I am?"

"The same way I'm better at everything else" he chuckled and I turned to slap him "Alright alright. As you know, my mom was always working when I was a kid, so at a certain point I was raising my sister. A lot of the time we didn't have enough money to get my sister's hair braided professionally, but my mom didn't have time to braid it herself in between shifts. So, the one day she was off, she sat me down and taught me how to do a couple basic styles to get my sister through school until things 'settled down'. They never did. But, I've always been a fast learner, so between her and youtube I got the hang of it pretty quickly. The one problem was my sister is literally the most tender headed person on earth. Bro you could not run your fingers through that girl's hair without a fight, so I had to develop a very delicate touch. In the long run, it actually became part of what made me one of the best computer scientists in the world when it comes to hardware. I'm very good with my hands- even beyond just with computers. But you know that." he smirked and I glared back at him threateningly. I hadn't even had sex with the man yet, but from what we had done he was beyond confident in himself and it never failed to piss me off. It got to the point where I'd start trying to hold back my screams, but he never failed to yank them from me ten times harder than before. It was beyond infuriating. Sometimes I prayed he'd end up being bad at sex just so I could have something on him. Now, I'm just mad that if my prayers had worked I would've blocked myself from a shit ton of orgasms. It really is difficult hating and loving your man at the same time.

"There, I'm done. Hand me the bonnet." He placed the bonnet gently over the four big plaits he had made to preserve my hair overnight and bent to kiss me on the shoulder. He slowly moved up my neck and his hand approached my thigh. To say I was excited would be an understatement. I was just about to be lost in a haze of estrogen when his lips approached mine and I snapped out of it. I placed my palm flat across his face to block him and moved away slightly so he couldn't distract me.

"You really think you're so damn slick."

"Me? For what? Just trying to kiss my girl?"

"Oh fuck off you were doing a whole lot more than that." I glared but he smiled even harder and moved towards me. I backed up again. "Boy fuck outta my face you know I'm not gonna let you be upset without talking to me." I crossed my arms and he sighed.

Titi Iku: Until Death (Sequel To Irikuri)Where stories live. Discover now