29- Until Bad Decisions

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That morning, right after we picked up plan b, Ade and I got to work. We worked out six different methods of defense, seven different backup plans, four escape plans for if the apartment was broken into, three plans and bargaining chips for if one of us was taken, and one last resort for if either of us was to die. The best part was we did it all while managing not to have sex again. Trust me, it took a lot of willpower. When all our plans were finished and backed up in seventeen files only Ade or I could get access to (with thirty-four decoys in case of capture), I finally took a breath. He was safe, even if only for now. I looked at him and I realized that even if the entire day we spent in that room concocting plans only resulted in one more second with him, it would be worth it.

I'm hungry" I sighed " We literally haven't moved from this bed since we got back from the pharmacy and it has been almost eight hours!" I groaned, throwing myself on the bed

"We still have contacts to find. We can do this." He spoke sternly without turning from the device he was typing on furiously. He was all business when we did things like this. I was usually all business as well, so we worked well together. However, that afternoon I was hungry, and being hungry made me childish.

"We will be so much more productive with some food in our stomachs. I know you're hungry."

"Of course I am, I'm human. But I don't eat before I finish working. You can order something just put mine in the fridge. I'm not moving until I figure this out."

"Okay." I looked at him worriedly. His habits concerned me sometimes. I was about to get up to place the order before a thought occurred to me. I smirked, looking down at the sweats I was wearing. After taking a quick shower earlier before we went to the pharmacy, I decided to put on a cute underwear set under my baggy clothes. To this day I still don't know what I planned to gain from that- I think it was just one of those days when I felt like wearing lingerie. So I did. And I decided to use it to my advantage.

The first thing to go was the pants. I walked around the house in bare legs or booty shorts more often than not, so nothing new. The only difference was that the area between my legs was covered with nothing but a g-string thong, courtesy of savagexfenty. Ade stil hadn't looked back at me yet, so I decided to go all the way. I pulled my hoodie over my head before shifting my boobs so they sat just right in my push-up bra. Then, I walked just into his line of sight to get my phone. I saw him flinch, refusing to check and see if what he just saw was real. So I decided to take it a step further.

"What do you want to order, baby?" I asked casually

"I'm not picky, you know my usuals." he forced the words out as if he was holding his breath.

" Do I really? I really can't think of anything, besides me of course."

"You're corny."

"Am I?"

"Yes. Don't worry about ordering for me, I don't plan on eating today anyways. "

"And what do you mean by that." I started to get irritated

"Hunger motivates me. I have thought of all my best inventions while hungry-"

"That's because you've trained yourself to work while hungry Ade. You did it growing up and I am so sorry you had to do that, but it isn't healthy for you to keep that habit now that you can afford to eat whenever you want."

"I have always worked better hungry, the fact that there was no food in the fridge for me to eat regardless was just a happy coincidence. Now drop it, you're nagging. Not all of us were raised with your lifestyle."

"My lifestyle? What the fu-. Actually, my bad. I'm nagging." I got up. "Let me just move on out of your way then." I strode to the desk, reaching just past him to grab my project materials just as he turned to face me.

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