18 - Until It's Official

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"Hey! Did you facetime my besties without me?" Ade huffed as he put down about twenty grocery bags at once.

"Boy leave me alone. They don't like you." I laughed as I got up and began to help him put away the stuff.

"Hey, don't cap just because you're jealous. I promise I won't take your spot even though Asante does like me better."

"Boy fuck you she does not like you better."

"You just mad cause you know she does."

"These hoes ain't loyal." I sighed "And as for you, get your own friends!"

"See this is the problem. You are my only friend, love."

"Not true! You're way more social than I am. What about Marc?"

"That crybaby woman-hating ass motherfucker? Nobody tryna hear him cry about his girl cheating for the sixty third time."

"Okay then, Jason?"

"He's married now and his wife is mad annoying - wanting to go everywhere he goes. She completely ruins the vibe."


"Oh that's my boy! Too bad he's literally on the other side of the country."

"Okay then Chris?"

"Hmm...yeah I don't got an excuse for him, he's just annoying."

"Ade!" I gasped

"I'm just playing, I'm just playing. I fuck with all of them in their own ways but to be honest I had to cut out a lot of my former 'friends' after I found out about Ximenes. Including Ximenes himself, who was my closest friend of all. So...you're kinda stuck with me." he smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hooray..." I said in my dullest voice "Boy I'm sick of you."

"Lies. You wasn't sick of me the other day when I was-"

"If you don't shut the FUCK up I'll hurt you."

"So aggressive baby, and for what when you fail to keep that same energy?"

"I swear to God if you're gonna use it against me every time I'm not gonna let you near me no more."

"I mean if you want to keep yourself from a good time that's your business..."

"You know, I'm starting to regret being in a relationship with you."

"That's good for you. I don't regret a thing and you're not going anywhere. For a very long time. Which is why I have something to tell you." he closed the fridge and led me to the couch before sitting down.

"What? You're not gonna propose again are you?"

"How would that even work? No. I have good news and bad news for you. Knowing you, you want the bad news first."

"Hey, I'm not that predictable!" I pouted

"Okay so you want the good news first then?"

"...no" I looked away as he smirked

"I thought as much. The bad news is I've been keeping an eye on the underground- as in the remains of the trafficking business and our other enemies- and the news of our marriage is spreading like wildfire. I assume the fact that we're actually a couple now has sped up the rumors. I know we've been trying really hard to hide this, even though you didn't want to, and it's been very difficult for you. It's been difficult for me too. I know you're probably pissed that people found out anyways, but I promise it would've been worse if we hadn't taken the precautions we had."

"I know." I was trying my best to remain calm but anger was stirring inside of me. I had put up with a lot of bullshit to keep our secret. Entertaining people I didn't want, and most annoyingly hearing rumors that my man was with another woman. For a couple weeks just after we started dating, the public speculated that Ade was in a relationship - but not with me. He had had an acquaintanceship with Neli Watts- a blonde, pretty, socialite- for years, but for some reason the public just caught on a week after we started dating. I have no doubt it was an attempt to separate us orchestrated by our enemies. Not only was false information spread, but people actually managed to turn the whole thing into a debate about racial preference. Ade had never been romantically linked with anyone before, so people took the rumor as reaffirmation to the belief that successful black men did not want black women. Some people were rightfully - but also wrongfully- upset, and others were actually stupid enough to drag black women to support my husband (who ironically enough is married to a woman who's blackity black black black). The sad thing about the media is how much it can influence our beliefs even when it's lying. Undoubtedly there has been a disgusting trend of fetishizing nonblack women, but I felt like we were pushed to believe it's more common than it is. The entire situation made me sad. It reminded me of being rejected by my crush in middle school because I was 'too dark'. But more than anything, I was mad because these idiots had my man trending on twitter for two days flooding my feed with pictures of him and someone else. Not only that, they dragged (or wrongfully supported) my poor baby for a week over a lie! I was so ready to spread some receipts and beat some ass but Ade didn't let me, because we had to keep our secret. So naturally, you understand why this news upset me.

"I think it was smart of us to keep it on the low as long as we did. But we're crossing over the bridge where it's more dangerous to keep this under wraps. So, if you agree, I'd like for us to go public." he held my hand and I struggled to contain my glee

"Really?" My eyes gave my joy away and he nodded. I pulled him into a hug before jumping up and squealing. "Yessss I'm gonna go officially reject all the motherfuckers that been bothering me and tell em I got a mannnnn!" I started to snatch my phone but Ade pulled me back down to the couch, this time in his lap.

"Not so fast soul crusher."

"Hey don't be so dramatic. I don't think I crush their souls...just their hearts." I cackled "Anyways why not? How long are we gonna wait before we tell?"

"Well...Not too long, but I want to do something first. Would you be willing to meet my parents?"


"Only if you want to. I know we haven't actually been together that long but I'd like for them to know, plus my mom would beat my ass if she found out from the news-" I cut him off with a peck on the lips, laughing at the disappointed look on his face when I pulled away.

"Stop rambling. I'd be honored. Nigerian mothers are brutal though so please tell her in advance. I don't have any desire to see her reaction."

"Don't worry, I'd like to think I have about three functioning brain cells so I'll definitely tell her beforehand. Even if she doesn't take it well , we're going to have to tell everyone anyways, but I highly doubt that will happen. My mom is actually somewhat of an anomaly. She's just gonna be happy I found someone to put up with my bullshit at all. Growing up we never got along and she always told me that with my personality my wife would suffer-"

"She wasn't wrong..."

"Shut up. She's just going to be happy she finally found someone to hand me off to."

"I would be too. So, when are we going to meet her- and your stepfather?"

"Well they invited me for thanksgiving and I think our schedules are too busy to do any other time. I'm really sorry, that means we'll have to keep it quiet for another week or so but-" I kissed him again. This was the main advantage of our relationship to be honest. The man never knew when to shut the fuck up and now I could do it for him without complaint.

"I've waited my entire life for you Ade, two more weeks is nothing." I smiled and he kissed me this time, making sure it was nowhere close to a peck.

Titi Iku: Until Death (Sequel To Irikuri)Where stories live. Discover now