2-Until Healing

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Eight days. The peace lasted for eight days. Eight days of calls and visits from basically everyone I had ever smiled at, eight days of my face plastered all over the news, eight days of facetiming Ade for hours in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep without him. Eight days until my parents were back on their bullshit already.

"Nani I really think it's in your best interest to retake the year." My father looked up from the book he was reading opposite me on the couch.

"Baba, I am not repeating my senior year! I had less than 1 month left, what would the purpose of retaking be?"

"Nani watch your tone! He is still your father, and ultimately it is still our decision. We're choosing to discuss it with you, don't be disrespectful. " I jumped slightly as she raised her voice. My pulse rose and my knee began to bounce. I blinked a couple time to keep images from flashing behind my eyes. My first therapy session was a couple days ago, so I was still adjusting to being diagnosed with PTSD and resulting anxiety for the second time in my life. My mother's eyes softened "My love, I just want you to be well and safe. You just survived hell. You're clearly traumatized. Going to college is a huge shock to the senses as is, why put yourself through the pressure? You don't even have to repeat your senior year, I'm sure with your grades they'll give you the diploma without a doubt. Maybe you can just take a gap year? Rest? You can stay close where we can make sure you're safe-"

"Mama I was taken on this street. No where else. Close or far this is not the first time I have been in danger in a way that was completely out of your control. The only difference is I am not eight years old anymore, and you will not do as you did then. I will no longer be suffocated because you're scared. As you said, I went through hell, and I survived. Life must go on, and being here does nothing but remind me of everything. In fact, if anything, I think a change of scenery is exactly what I need. Somewhere I don't have time to dwell on the past. I didn't get the chance to commit to a college before I left, and maybe that's good because I don't think I want to go to Princeton anymore. Columbia also offered me a full ride along with some others. I will let you know when I've made my choice. I love you both. " I clenched my fists to keep my hands from shaking and rose from my seat, astonished that there wasn't a shout or slap awaiting me. I entered my room and began to pace before I saw the figure sitting on my bed. I sighed and closed my door.

"You have five seconds to get the fuck off my bed. Five-" I glared and turned just to be met with those notorious icy blue eyes.

"Okay okay, damn. No, 'hi Asier, how is the afterlife', just move?" he rolled his eyes before taking a seat at my desk.

"Ximenes I killed you myself. Wouldn't it be kind of counterproductive for me to care?"

"Well maybe, but you still could.."

"I don't."

"....I mean you stabbed me twenty three times, the least you could do-"

"For fucks sake, fine! How is the afterlife Ximenes? Knowing where you are I hope its not too hot, do you need some ice water for the road?"

"That would be nice actually, thank you."

"Sure... So, what is hell like?"

"It's actually not that bad! Kinda gets a bad rap y'know? I'm doing the repentance program since I was in the process of changing before I was so brutally murdered..." he cut his eyes at me and I pretended to feel bad "...so anyways if I continue my penance and prove I could've become a good person, I get promoted to the part of hell where you can taste food again."

"So there are different levels of hell?"

"Of course. Some people in the program actually can get promoted to the lower levels of heaven but clearly I don't qualify for that-"

Titi Iku: Until Death (Sequel To Irikuri)Where stories live. Discover now