" Ready to go?" Niall asks. Liam nods his head. The two walk out of the room and out of the hospital. Liam guides Niall to the car and they both hook the buggy to the car seat safely. Once Melody was safely in, the parents got in the car themselves. Liam starts the car and drives back home. Niall connects their hands together.

" I'm so glad she's coming home." Niall says.

" I am too Ni." Liam says," I have something to talk to you about Brendon."

Niall raises an eyebrow," Like what?"

" So when I got home Melody's buggy wasn't by the front door, which is weird. Not a big deal, but no one was home at first. Then Brendon came down the stairs acting really weird." Liam explains.

" How weird?" Niall asks.

" His clothes looked like they were thrown on quickly when he walked downstairs, he wouldn't let me upstairs, and he was very urgent for me to get out of the house. I know I may be dumb, but something wasn't adding up." Liam says.

" He was probably hiding something he didn't want you to see." Niall says. He gasps," What if Matt was over?"

" That might be the case. Do we talk to him about it?" Liam says.

" Of course. We'll sit down both boys and let them know their significant others are not allowed over when we're not." Niall says.

" Sounds good." Liam says. He pulls into their driveway and stops the car. They both get out and Niall gets Melody out. Together they walk into the house through the garage. They slip their shoes off and walk to the living room, but was not expecting a gathering of people.

" Welcome home Melody!" The Tomlinson family, Drew, Brendon, and Matt yell. Niall and Liam smile at everyone.

" I wasn't expecting this. Why is everyone here?" Niall says.

" Our kids wanted to meet Melody! And I want to hold her." Harry says.

" We can do that." Niall says. He places the buggy on the ground, but everyone gathers in front of it before Niall can take Melody out. Melody stares at each person, trying to just focus on their faces.

" Look how adorable she is!" Sage exclaims.

" She is cute." Grayson says.

" Maybe I can play football with her!" Larry exclaims. Harry taps his head. Larry looks at Harry.

" Ow! Why'd you do that papa?" Larry complains, rubbing his head.

" You're not playing football with her. She's a baby." Harry says.

" Obviously not now. I'm not that mean to a baby." Larry pouts. Louis pushes all of his kids out of the way.

" Alright! Time for me to hold her." Louis says. He unlatches Melody from the buggy. He carefully lifts her up and holds her in his arms. Everyone gathered around Louis while Niall and Liam admire everyone. They're just happy Melody is home.

" Why hello there beautiful baby. Uncle Louis is so glad to be finally holding you." Louis says.

" My turn Lou." Harry says.

" No, I'm not done holding her." Louis says.

" Dad, I want to hold her!" Mason exclaims.

" No, I want to hold her." Grayson says.

" I should hold her before these dummies." Sage says. The Tomlinson family looks at Niall and Liam.

" Niall!" They all exclaim. Niall lets out a set of laughs.

" Come on Louis. Other people want to hold her. I'm gonna have to put her down for a nap soon." Niall says. Louis lets out a sigh and hands her over to Harry.

" I swear she is starting to look like you more and more every day, Nialler." Harry says. Niall felt himself blushing. Liam kisses the side of his head.

" Papa, my turn." Sage says holding her arms out. Harry carefully places Melody in Sage's arms. He shows her how to cradle the head. Drew stands next to Sage. He loved seeing his girlfriend hold his sister.

" I'm gonna steal your sister DJ." Sage says. Drew lets out a giggle and shakes his head.

" Hm, not a good idea babe." Drew laughs. Louis narrows his eyes at Drew.

" DJ you better step away from Sage or I'll kick your arse." Louis warns. Drew lets out a nervous laugh and steps back. Sage gives Louis a warning look.

" Daddy, leave DJ alone." Sage mumbles.

Louis shrugs his shoulders," I'm just saying."

And with that, everyone in the room adored Melody. Niall and Liam were glad that she was finally home and everyone was enjoying her home.


Hello !! I have no idea what to say, but that's normal of me.

Anyway, I hope you're still enjoying the story. I'm thinking about ending this story soon, but we'll see.

Thank you guys for reading. I love you all so much.


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