Selfless Goddess: Part Two

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I felt soft lips on mine as I opened my eyes. Quinn smiled at me as he pulled his lips away.

"Did you have a good nap, my queen?"

"Yes, sorry, I must have fallen asleep. The baby is making me tired a lot lately."

"That is because you are getting bigger, my queen."

I felt Quinn caress my baby bump gently as he looked into my eyes. I could feel his natural purity of love flow into me.

"We will be summoned soon. Then we can go home."

I nodded as he kissed me softly as we heard a knock on the door, Zak's voice called out to us.

"You both have been summoned to see God now. Please go to the heavens immediately."

We heard his footsteps walk away from the door.

"Okay, this is it, Ready? My queen?"

"Ready as I'll ever be,"

Quinn chuckled as he took my hand and helped me off the bed. He held me in his arms as he waved his arms above our heads as he closed his eyes. A bright white light appeared then we left the room.

We reappeared in an all-white room with a door. The only thing in the room was a white bench. Quinn sat down with me.

"This is the waiting room. We need to wait here until we are called."


Quinn smiled as he held my hand. My hearts were racing fast with anticipation. An Angel opened the door and stepped in dressed also all in white. He bowed to us then spoke.

"Please follow me."

We follow the Angel into another all-white room with a white and golden throne chair as God himself sits waiting for us as we cross the room. I squeezed Quinn's hand and he caressed my hand to say it as alright. We stood in front of him and we both bowed. Queen then knelt on one knee and bowed his head as he spoke.

"Heavenly Father, you summoned us. How can we serve you?"

God's voice echoed loudly into the room as he spoke.

"Please stand, Quinn."

Quinn stood up then took my hand in his as God looked at me.

"Hydra, the queen of the dragon realm. Please don't look so worried. I see you are with child?"

"Yes, Heavenly Father. Quinn is the father of this unborn child."

"I see, well that is another reason what I have called upon the both of you."

"As the queen of the dragon realm, You accepted my gift by taking in ten Angels. Where they have all decided to stay with you in your realm and have found love and Quinn is one of the ten."

"Yes, Heavenly Father."

God chuckled as he looked at me then continued to speak.

"As promised they are free to belong in your realm."

I smiled at Quinn as he smiled back.

"However! As you have fulfilled your destiny as a dragon queen and repopulated the dragon colours. I have a reward for you, Hydra."

I bowed my head to God then waited for him to continue.

"As you are carrying a special child of an Angel. You are already becoming a goddess while here in the Angel realm. I wish for you to continue that path and think of becoming a true goddess and I will make Quinn into a god. You both shall live up in the Heavens with me and produce more gods and goddesses with eternal life and youth."

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