My Black and White Knights

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I woke up with Romeo laying next to me holding me gently. I remembered the way Romeo made passionate love to me last night. I even managed to control my transformation. I don't know if it was because I was pregnant. But it was much easier to control than before.

I still wanted to talk to Romeo about what Phoenix said about my feelings from my inner dragon. I Keep thinking about the mating call. As I am half-human, my human side doesn't know any better but to tell me this is wrong to feel love for many others. But my dragon side tells me this is our way of loving. I am so confused.

I felt Romeo's lips on mine and he pulled me out of my thoughts. I moaned as he deepened the kiss and I pulled him in closer to my body. I craved his touch. Was that just me? Or is that part of the inner dragon?

Dragons are very sensual people and craved love and touch. They also fall hard and completely in love. Romeo pulled his lips away from mine and spoke softly.

"Baby? Is there something worrying you?"

"You can tell, huh?"

He chuckled softly as he kissed my neck softly.

"I can sense there is something on your mind."

I sat up in bed then took in a deep breath before I  let it out as I turned to Romeo. He smiled as he held my hand in his.

"You can tell me anything, baby... There is nothing you will say that will make me love you any less."

"Even if I have made love or want to make love to another?"

"Has Brody been pressuring you?"

I smiled. If only that was my only problem.

"No, It's something that Phoenix said about my feelings from my inner dragon."

"Oh, I see, you mean you have feelings about the mating call, right?"


He chuckled softly then stroked my cheek.

"You are just so adorable, baby."

He pulled me in closer then spoke again.

"You have feelings for Phoenix, right? This is not wrong and I know you love Brody and Breeze as they all love you... Even Odin has feelings for you."

"But he is my brother."

"He is a dragon and so are you... You have to stop thinking as you would in the human world... Our ways are nothing like human ways... When a queen calls on the males to mate, they must respect and obey her. It does not matter if you are related by blood as we are all a family anyway... You need to start thinking as a dragon and forget the human way."

I signed as he continues.

"I know this is hard to do as the human way is all you have ever known."

"So this doesn't make you jealous? Knowing I am falling in love with other men?"

"It did at first when I was first falling in love with you. I was afraid you wouldn't fall for me too.. At one point I thought you would be better off with Brody."

"But it still doesn't bother you?"

"No, because you have fallen completely for me and I know you feel love for the others as that's the way it is supposed to be as a dragon queen... Plus you have chosen me as your main lover."

"Holland, you have to remember what we have is very special. You will always be mine... You also give us all a sensual selfless love... You can't help but love your clan, that is what the queen is supposed to do... Do you understand it better now?"

✨ The Last Dragon Realm ✨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora