The Fight For Love: Part Three

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I woke up with Breeze still wrapped around me with his hand still on my stomach. I smiled as it felt nice to have him so connected to me and the baby. I wasn't sure why he had connected in this way? But I think it's because he could feel the love I held for him. I cared about my clan members and they are all my family now. But with Breeze, he is something special.

I felt his soft breath on my neck as he slept so soundly. I smiled as I gently moved him off me. I needed to get some air as it was getting hot in the cave. As I stepped outside, the warmth from the two suns shone brightly down on me.

I looked up at the sky and thought of my true love... Romeo. I prayed he would be safe. That they were all safe. I thought of my brother Odin and I felt tears fall as Brody then entered my mind with Phoenix and Ashby, my two knights.

"Please, oh please let them all be safe."

I felt strong arms wrap around my waist as his soft lips kissed my neck. I turned in his arms and cried out my heart. He held me tightly as he stroked my hair. I held him so tight. I was afraid to let him go. I trembled in his arms as Breeze whispered in my ear.

"It will be alright... I'm here for always, my queen... They are all safe."

I spoke against his chest.

"How do you know that?"

I felt him grin against my head as he kissed it then spoke.

"Because they all love you just as much as I do, and they could never leave you... Ever."

I lifted my head and looked at his gorgeous face. I smiled before I kissed him passionately. He groaned as he caressed my body. His lips pulled away from mine.

"My queen? Why did you do that?"

"I needed to feel you."

"Do you want me to?"

He stopped his question and I smiled up at him then nodded. He smiled as he scooped me up into his arms then took me back to the cave. We both needed to feel loved right now. He whispered against my lips as he walked.

"I will obey my queen's orders."

Later that afternoon, Breeze went to the edge of the barrier that Kara had placed on this end of the realm. She had put up a protection spell to keep the families safe with me and Breeze just in case the demons were to get further into the realm.

Once any member of the clan crossed this barrier they were safe from the demons as they couldn't enter. But we also couldn't leave until Kara had lifted the spell.

We couldn't hear or see what was going on. All we could see from time to time were beautiful colours that sparkled in the sunlight. It did look magical and we felt safe. But I needed to know what was going on over on the other side. 

I watched Breeze as he ran up to me. He knelt down on one knee and lowered his head as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, my queen... The protection spell still remains."

I smiled as I touched his face and tilted his chin up with his fingers.

"It's fine, Breeze. You have checked the barrier as I asked. I know there isn't anything you can do."

He smiled as he got up and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gently pulled me over to his lap. I felt him caress my stomach. I looked up at his gorgeous face.

Right at that moment, I could see what a loving husband and father he would become. I hope someday he will have the chance to do this with the woman he marries. He smiled as he looked at me and spoke.

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