Wanna Talk?

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After last night with Odin. I still felt a little confused. I know what he told me was true and I needed to forget about the human ways. I am the queen of the dragon realm, so I have to do my duties as queen.

But I still need time to get used to the fact that my birth brother is falling in love with me. Also, If what Odin said was true? I need to also get used to my adopted brother Holt doing the same.

But he is completely human and he still doesn't completely understand my ways, even though he might say he does. I am still having trouble with it! How is a complete human going to understand? My duty is to share my love with my male dragon clan.

I can't let Holt get hurt because he will have to share me and I am now married to the man I love the most and chose. This is becoming a mess and I need to talk with Luna about my feelings.

I heard a tap on my window as Breeze appeared as he hung upside down. I chuckled as I walked over to the window and opened it. Just seeing him melts my troubles away.

"Breeze? You can always come in, you know?"

He smiled at me but held his hand out to me. I knew he wanted me to go up onto the roof with him again. I chuckled as I took his hand and he pulled me up out of the window and onto the roof. Breeze pulled me into his arms as he steadied me.

"My queen, do you wanna talk?"

"Can you sense something, Breeze?"

"Yes, I know when you are feeling sad or worried or happy. I feel you more the closer we become and the harder I fall in love with you."

I never knew he could sense all that, I knew he could tell when I was pregnant and that was so amazing to be able to do that.

I nodded then he scooped me up in his arms. He moved so fast, I felt the wind in my hair.

"Where are we going?"

"Someplace we can be alone to talk."

I held on tightly around his neck as we moved at his fast vampire speed. The next thing I knew we were at the beach. Breeze entered a cave out of the bright burning suns and placed me down on the sand.

Breeze looked into my eyes as he gently took a long strand of my hair into his hand as he always does. He let the stands fall through his fingers. I love the way he gently touches me.

"You are having problems with letting go of your human side, right?" 

I smiled and nodded as I looked into his eyes. He smiled and his ice-blue eyes glowed with love for me. He pulled me into my arms.

"I will always be there for you, my queen. You don't have to rush. Things will fall into place and you won't feel bad about loving so many... You are just doing what is natural for a dragon queen."

"I know I will, I'm just not sure how I feel about my brothers falling in love with me... Human or not." 

"Just listen to your heart and you will see this is not wrong, you are a beautiful dragon that has a lot of love and there is always room for more... I know you will make everyone happy as you do me."

Breeze then pressed his lips to mine and kissed me so slowly. I pulled him in closer to me. I felt his love flow into me as my arousal and love bubbled up inside of me. I gasped as our lips parted.

Just being in the cave with him brought back the memories of the way we made love in a cave before. I needed to feel that again with him right now. Breeze ran his finger slowly down my chest as he looked into my eyes. 

"My life is your love... You are my oxygen, my queen... Without you, I'm nothing and I can't breathe... I could never go on without you... I want us to have a baby together. I don't want to be the last vampire."

He laid me down on the sand and kissed my neck softly. I knew he also needed to feed on me.

"I'm so crazy for you, I want to hold you in my arms for always."

I cupped his face as I spoke.

"I will love you forever, I am not going anywhere and will never stop loving you... I want to give you a chance to be a father, but what will the baby become? Will it be a dragon or a vampire?"

He smiled as he pulled me in closer.

"Whatever the baby will become. We will love the child with all our heart, the baby will be special from our pure love... You are still half-human as I am... You might need to forget the human ways but you can't forget we are both humans."

"Will you let me have some time to process everything?"

"Yes, of course, my queen... But until you decide I want to practice making a baby with you."

I chuckled at him and he lowered his head. I grinned as I pulled his head up and kissed him softly.

"Always, make love to me and feed on me, I know you need to."

"I will obey your orders, my queen."


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