The Angel's Cry

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The weeks have passed quickly and Romeo and I have been enjoying Scarlet. I am so happy to have a beautiful daughter and a beautiful but sexy man I love completely by my side.

I have just put Scarlet down after her feed. She has grown so much already. She is only a few weeks old but she looks more like a few months old. Even Jack is growing fast and he is all human.

I think that has something to do with living in the dragon realm because once a child becomes a full-grown adult, they then stop ageing and stay young looking as they get older. I know dragons normally grow up faster than human children do. This is still all new to me, but I'm enjoying every moment. I wonder if Holt and Sasha will stop ageing now they are living in the dragon realm?

As my thought left me I ran into Phoenix. He smiled as he took my hand.

"My queen, I was about to come to find you."

"Phoenix! Your back. How did the scouting go?"

He smiled as he placed his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek softly.

"There is someone that wants to meet you, my queen. He stopped us on our way back onto the dragon realm. His name is Mandel, he is from the Angel realm and wishes to speak with you."

"Do you know what about?"

"I'm sure it is about the final realm wars against the demons. Romeo and Brody are in the dining  room waiting for you."

Phoenix smiled as he took my hand and led me to the dining room. He pushed the door open and everyone looked up at us. Romeo smiled as they all stood up and Mendel bowed while Romeo, Brody and Phoenix got down on one knee then lowered their heads. They all spoke out at once.

"My queen."

I smiled as I watched them all as they showed their respect to me.

"Please stand gentleman and be seated."

They all stood up and sat back down at the table. Phoenix smiled as he sat down next to me and Romeo. Brody sat opposite us with Mandel.

Mandel smiled as he spoke.

"I am Mandel, the head of Angels in the Angel realm, your majesty. I have come to you seeking your assistance in the fight against the demons."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mandel. Please call me Holland."

"As you wish."

He smiled at me with his bright blue eyes and bowed his head. He was very polite and attractive. Never in my life have I imagined I would be meeting with an Angel.  

"Yes, the demons... We have had a battle with them not long ago. How can we help?"

"It had been reported that the demons are now starting to terrorise the human world. That is their main goal, to take over the human world."

I felt sick to think of them doing that to all of the humans that they had done to all of the other realms including ours. I will never forgive them for killing both my real and adoptive parents. I felt Romeo and Phoenix both grabbed hold of my hand at the same time.

I felt them both squeeze my hands gently. I squeezed then both back. I knew they were both worried for me. I am so thankful I got Holt out when I did.

"We request that you will join us in the final battle. I know you have a few witches here and with your dragons and insight from your seer's powers, we will be able to take out the demons once and for all. I know you wish to live in peace once again as we do."

"Yes, that is all we want too. That is why we have opened up our realm to start new beginnings.  Anyone is welcome to become part of our clan and become part of our family. We provide a safe home for all and all we ask is for their loyalty in return.

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