The Lone Wolf: Part One

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I woke the next morning to find myself in my bed. I remember laying next to Breeze on the roof as we looked up at the two moons together. I must have fallen asleep in his arms and he brought me back to my room. I smiled as I remembered his sweet laugh and his cute real name.

I feel that our family is getting bigger and stronger as we bond, but there is one I still need to get to know better and that's Luna. But she is a lone wolf and she keeps herself away from us all, but maybe as I am the queen, she might at least talk with me.

I got out of bed all full of hope and promise as the sun shines brightly. I noticed Luna out of the window. I walked over and opened it. I called Luna's name and she stopped and curtsied to me.

"Please stay there, Luna, I wish to talk with you."

"Yes, my queen."

I smiled then hurried to get dressed. I raced outside to meet Luna. She looked up as she saw me hurry towards her.

"My queen? Are you alright? You seem in a hurry?"

"I'm fine, thank you for asking and please call me Holland."

"As you wish, Holland."

She smiled at me, I could see she was nervous.

"Please relax, is there a place we can go to talk?"

"Yes, we can use my home if you wish?"

"Thank you, that will be fine."

Luna smiled as she took me to her home. She lived in a small log cabin. It's not far from the forest. It was beautiful and looked very cosy with the mountains in the background. It was breathtaking. I knew Kara had used magic to build a few cabins ready for when our clan became bigger.

She offered for me to sit down on her sofa then offered me a drink. I nodded then she headed out of the room. She soon came back from the kitchen with two cups of what smells like coffee.

"Is this coffee?"

"Yes, it is, sorry, do you not like coffee?"

"No I love coffee, I am just surprised to see it here? I have not had any coffee since I've been in the realm.... Where did you get it?"

She smiled as she spoke.

"I got it from the market. I believe Kara has something to do with it and her magic, you will be amazed at what you can get there."

"Oh? I will definitely be asking her to get me some now I know that... The guys don't have any as they don't drink it... They drink herbal tea."

She smiled at me as I slipped on my coffee. Oh, it tastes good. I placed down my cup on her wooden table and asked her a question.

"Do you get on with Kara and everyone here in the dragon realm?"

She smiled as she placed her cup down too.

"I do get on with Kara and everyone here, they are very kind and I love the dragon realm. I just find it hard sometimes to fit in. As you know I am a wolf? Well, I am a lone wolf, I no longer had a pack in the wolf realm. My family was killed when I was young by the demons, but that was long before the realm wars. So I had to bring myself up and have always been alone because I am half-human."

"I see, so you are like Breeze. You must have found it hard to trust people?"

"Yes I did but now I know not everyone from the realms is bad plus the dragons found me... Oh, I remember seeing Breeze when he first arrived, Isn't he that vampire?"

"Yes he is, and he is a very sweet, kind and loving man... You are both on your own before you come here, but now we are a family. I want you to be happy and relaxed here... I wish to become a friend to you as well as be your queen."

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