Changing My Life

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I woke up to someone knocking at my door. I half opened my eyes. I really hope it wasn't Brody again. I don't think I could handle him right now.

"Holland? Are you awake?"

"Yes? Who is it?"

"It's your big brother, Odin."

"Please come in."

I sat up in bed quickly then pulled on my robe as he opened the door. He smiled at me as he laid a big tray on the bed. My brother has brought me breakfast? How sweet of him. I smiled as he sat down on the bed. Odin took my hand as he looked at me.

"I can't believe it's really you... You are here and back safely where you belong."

"Yes, I'm here."

I chuckled at my brother as he hugged me tightly. I felt him shake a little as I hugged him back. I didn't know him yet, but I felt connected to him. He whispered as he still hugged me.

"You are so important, not just to me but to the realm. You are the queen of the dragon realm."

"I'm what?"

I pulled away from him and looked at him. He chuckled softly.

"Our family, the silver dragons, have been the only ones that have ever given birth to females. That is why the silver dragons and the gold dragons are always meant for each other when a female is born. Because the gold dragons are always the head of the clan."

"No other dragon colours have ever given birth to a female?"

"No, that is why you are special and rare... You are known as the queen and hopefully, you will reproduce more females as well as males."

"Why? What if I don't pick a gold dragon and fall in love with a red one?"

"Ah... You have feelings for Romeo huh?"

I nodded and he chuckled.

"Then you may never give birth to a female... That is why you are promised to a gold dragon the chances are the highest."

"But do I have to choose a gold dragon?"

"No, but picking a gold dragon will make the clan and the dragon realm stronger. You are more important than you realise, Holland."

"Is that why I was sent to the human world?"

Odin took my hands in his as he looked into my eyes.

"Holland, the realm wars broke out because you were born. As you are a rare female dragon, the demon realm wanted you. If they had taken you when you were born, you would have grown up only knowing them and their evil ways... The head demon wanted to make you his queen by marrying you."

"Why do they want me?"

"They want you to use your powers for them. You have a hidden power... You can see the future. This is why they took out all the realms so they could fight their biggest threat... The Angel realm."

"The Angel realm?"

"Yes, by taking out all of the realms, none of us could help the Angels... The demons want to take over the human world. As you lived in the human world. You know the Angels won't ever let that happen as they always protect the humans."

"So I'm a seer? That is why they wanted me?"

"Yes, You will become a seer when you fall in love. You will also make whoever you choose to become very powerful in that realm."

"But I would never fall in love with a demon."

"The head demon can fool you, he can shapeshift into a very desirable man... You wouldn't have known any different if you were brought up with them... Do you see why our parents gave their life for you to save the realms?"

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