Meet The Guys

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Romeo took me back to the castle. We entered the living room to find everyone waiting for us. I noticed four men watching me as we sat down on the sofa. Brody smiled as he looked at me then spoke.

"Did Romeo show you around?"

"Yes, sort off... We talked for a while."

Romeo then spoke as he looked at Brody.

"Why didn't you tell her she has a brother?"

Brody looked at him as he answered his question.

"I never had the chance. I was going to but you took Hydra out."

"Hydra? You are Hydra my sister?"

I watched a good looking man get up from the sofa then walked over to me. He knelt down as he took my hand in his. I looked at Romeo and he smiled.

"This is Odin, your older brother, Holland."

Odin smiled then pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. I chuckled in surprise.

"You are safe. I'm so glad you are finally home. We have a lot to talk about."

Odin smiled as he pulled back from me. I smiled back and I felt so overwhelmed."

Romeo could tell I was feeling this so he spoke softly.

"I'm sure you will both get the chance to talk as there must be a lot you both want answers to."

"Yes, there are many things I want to know about our parents."

"I will tell you everything I know."

Odin smiled as he sat back on the sofa.

"I want you to meet the others... This is Phoenix."

I looked at him as he stood up and bowed. He smiled at me. He is just as good looking as I thought he was when I hid my face away earlier. I blushed as I knew he saw me naked. He grinned then chuckled as he spoke.

"Nice to meet you, Holland."

"Nice to meet you too."

I looked over at Brody and he grinned. I forgot he saw me too.

"And this is Ashby."

Ashby smiled as he stood up and bowed. He then walked over and whispered in my ear.

"If you need any help with any of these guys, let me know and I will protect you. I know they can be a handful."

I smiled as I spoke.

"Thank you, Ashby. I will remember to do that."

"You are welcome."

He sat down and Brody looked at me puzzled at what Ashby could have said.

Romeo then got up and poured out some drinks. Everyone started to chat with each other. I noticed Brody and Phoenix watching me. I felt Romeo take my hand in his. Brody didn't like it so he moved over to me. He leaned in and spoke softly against my lips.

"I want to get to know you better... I can feel you want to as well."

I nodded as he looked into my eyes. He then moved his lips to my ear and whispered.

"I will come to your room later... Don't look so worried it will only be for a chat."

I nodded as I felt his lips gently kiss my ear. He made me feel hot and sexy. He chuckled as he moved back.

Phoenix then came over to me. He took my hand in his as he spoke.

"Would it be okay if we had a private chat about earlier today?"

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