Pools Of Love

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After yesterday's fright of finding out that Romeo and Brody are now both the head of the clan and I have chosen them both somehow as my mates, but Romeo is my main mate. I asked Luna to explain this all to me as she did say the clan was just like a pack.

I just wanted to relax and have some fun for a while. This was all too much to take in, so I asked Luna and Kara to hang out with Romeo and me as couples with Ashby and Odin. They were excited and suggested going to the old volcano pools. I remember that was where I fell into one and I hit my head, but Romeo saved my life.

I was a bit worried at first, but Luna and Kara convinced me that I would be safe as long as I don't climb up on the side again. We all chuckled and I agreed to go. Kara cast a spell so we had swimsuits each. They were very sexy and revealing.

Luna picked up her swimsuit and chuckled. I smiled as she also held up tight shorts for Ashby. She looked at Kara and grinned as she spoke.

"Do you want something to happen in the pools tonight? As they definitely will if we wear these?"

I chuckled as Kara grinned. I must admit they were very sexy and I knew the tight shorts would look very sexy on Romeo. Kara then chuckled as she spoke.

"It's all a bit of fun and we could do with some fun around here."

"Yes, I know I could after everything that has happened."

Luna smiled at me then took hold of my hand and squeezed it gently. Kara then grinned at me as she spoke.

"So what is it like to have two hot, sexy men becoming your mates?"


Luna spoke out as she gave her a disapproving look. I chuckled as I spoke.

"It's okay, Luna... Well. it's the truth. I never knew this would happen as I picked Romeo, that I was still choosing Brody too?"

"Well, I did kinda tell you that once you fell in love completely with Romeo, that Brody will still fall in love with you too, and you would still become his mate as you are still promised to him."

"Yes, you did, but as so much has been going on with my feelings with Romeo... I kinda forgot... But I never knew they would both become the head dragon of the clan?"

They both chuckled at me, then Kara smiled.

"Well, it doesn't matter. As you are the queen, you can have as many mates as you please."

"But I don't want that"

"But your inner dragon will."

I looked at Luna confused. She shook her head as she spoke.

"Don't worry about it... You will find out while in dragon form sometime while you are with Romeo."

Now I was even more curious at what she meant. She chuckled softly.

"Luna? Are you holding out on me?"

"I will let Romeo explain that one."

She chuckled softly as she picked up her coffee and took a slip. I watched her and she looked at me and grinned.

Later that evening, We all went out to the volcano pools as planned. Luna renamed them as the love pools. She said that is what they will be known as after tonight with those swimsuits.

I rode on Romeo's back and I made him roar out as I teased him by stroking his scales. I knew I was affecting him badly. He roared out with laughter as he spoke in his low dragon voice.

"You just wait until I get you into the pool... How the tables will turn."

I chuckled out and he swooped lower with excitement. I held on tighter to his neck and he roared out with laughter again. I looked over to see Luna with excitement as he screamed out as Ashby flew higher. But I chuckled at Kara as she held onto Odin for dear life. I shouted out to her.

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