23 Josh

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"Okay you weren't mentioning Christmas for weeks. It's almost the middle of February and you haven't told me how Sandra and you were sitting on a loveseat together, cuddling next to the Christmas tree and..."

"Fine, you win. But please, don't say anymore such as Sandra and myself, sitting in a damn Loveseat. That never happened." My right eye started itching again as remembering back to that day. A cold shower was running down my spine. Absolutely worst day of my life. Nothing could top that.

"Then tell me everything. It's Valentinesday dude and since you can't dream about College girl because she disappeared like a ghost, I would suggest you start eventually talking about Sandra the Grinch."

Why did he want to hear so badly about my most embarrassing moment in the world? Wasn't it enough that I had to live that day through every minute?

Nope. He wanted something hilarious and today was Valentine and him and I was kind of the only one with nothing to do. So, I thought, I should give him a little sneak peek into the top five of how bad my Christmas was.

Also, he was more than right with college girl. I haven't seen her at all. Okay, the two times I had seen her, she was kind of sprinting away from me with her head down. Never looking once. Not connecting our stares once. I felt more than destroyed and today was also Valentine. Hoping that I get it through without seeing her. If I had to see her on that day, I was pretty sure that this was the fucking end of myself.

"Well but at least let's sitting outside. I know it's a freezing Friday, but I don't want that all listen to my story. It's embarrassing enough to tell you that."

"Don't worry, my dearest friend. Your story is in good hands." Dean promised and therefore we walked outside. As we were far enough away from anybody to hear I thought about it once more if it would be a better idea to run away. Although it was the only chance to get away from it, I knew that I couldn't do that to Dean. He had to know the truth. Maybe after letting hear him my story, it wasn't that devastating at all to me anymore. Right now, as I wanted to start speaking my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen and saw my nightmare: Sandra. Again. After the disaster, she was even more into myself and wouldn't let me go. Every time she tried to reach me, I let her go to voicemail.

This time, Dean had thought about something better, as it seemed. He grabbed my phone out of my hand and pressed the green button. Or as I call it: The button to hell. As fast as possible, you could hear Sandra's annoying voice: "Hiiiiii Joshi bear, I thought maybe you..." However, that was as far she could get because Dean interrupted her. "Listen girl. I'm a friend of Josh and I tell you that once. Not call him ever again. He has already chosen his soulmate and SURPRISE, that's not you. So, don't try it again. Have a lovely day darling. Bye." Then he pressed the red button and smirked. His smile reached his eyes and he seemed more than amused with himself. I on the other hand was shocked.

"How could you?", I asked him, completely confused. "I helped you.", he obviously believed.

"No. It will become so much worse. Now she will talk to my mum, Dean. You know what my mum will do with me when she finds out that I like someone else. She was often really close to finding the end of the maze. Now Sandra will give her every clue to finally complete it.", I said sadly.

"No. You don't know her. That's good. You don't know her name. Not where she lives. Where her school is. You are completely clueless. And now be a good model and play that to her."

"FYI, that's not exactly what models do."

"Blah blah blah. Whatever. Now tell me what happened.", he insisted eagerly.

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