4. Rebecca

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What is my next move? How do I get out of this crappy situation? 

I should have stayed with Iris. But I wanted her to be happy. Ahhh. This was a whole disaster. How was that possible that he said the exact same sentence at the exact same time. My heart was beating the shit out of me. I could barely breathe. I didn't want to see if he was smiling or not right now. But otherwise, he didn't want to be with me. I thought he wanted. Maybe he wanted to dump me because I was such a bitch to him earlier. 

Whatever. I needed to get out of here. I took a deep breath to stabilize myself. "I can go. This is no problem for me.", I said. And then he said with his deep and raspy voice which I adored so much as we were standing at the rooftop: "No. There is no problem. I should go." 

"No. No. You stay. I go. It's okay for me. I am going with somebody else." As I already turned around and started to think about that fact that he wanted to leave me here and wasn't interested anymore because I dumped him earlier, the tour guide said: "Stop. The girl will stay because she was the first one." "But I can go. No problem at all.", I stated out again. "No. You stay. And we will try if all of you can come to that tour. We just try. So, follow me." I was totally freaking out right now. Not again. Not with him.

While I was walking behind the whole group to distance myself as far as possible from this Mr. Handsome, he was walking next to the guide and talked with him about his studies. Right in this moment he was like a normal nice friendly boy who was desperately interested into new stuff. Shortly, he looks adorable. 

Maybe I shouldn't have prejudiced him before I had a proper conversation with him. And then we were downstairs where students and professors and so on watched me and I had to act like this which was something utterly important. I promised my dad that I would give the impression that this wasn't any searching-a-date-for-yourself. And here I was struggling about some guy who looks ravishing.

And I was such an unfriendly woman towards him. I am often an open-minded girl, but I just pushed him away from the beginning. I will just talk to him after the tour. Then I have enough time for exchanging numbers.

While I was thinking about my huge problems, the guide walked around and around. He must be someone who isn't that long at this university because I would know exactly where to go to and which was the shortest way but nobody asked me so I trotted behind these talkative guys. Exception was his best friend who was looking at me a few times. That was kind of weird. The only likable thing about him was his long eyelashes. Girls dream about having these eyelashes. But he was obviously a guy. 

"Where are you guys going to school?", asked the guide. All boys said something at the same time, and I tried to mumble my answer so that Mr. Handsome doesn't know where I go. If he had found out, he would have never spoken to me again. I am going to a snob school. Okay, quite cool but he doesn't look like a person who might be head over heels for such schools. I don't even attend to the most expensive school, but it is not cheap either. 

As we arrived at the first place, the guide wanted that we laid our stuff on the floor. Until that, I hadn't realised that he wore a black jacket which fitted quite well with his black outfit and his chocolate brown shoes. He has really the same taste as me. I never thought about finding such a guy like that. I laid my things down and he threw his backpack straight next to mine and his jacket over them. Okay. Don't take it too much as a sign of him to get attention from you. He might not be into you anymore. Maybe he has already forgotten you in his little brain.

As we were standing and listening to the student who talked about the stuff he had already learnt, I was steadily thinking about the guy with the black pants who stood right next to me. I didn't stare at him, only glanced a few times and asked myself where my chances are to get him right now. Should I forget him or not? Ahhh. I hate these decisions. Something reminds me that this guy is maybe not this what I need but he is someone I want absolutely under all circumstances. And maybe it is only because I had merely known idiots and he wasn't rude to me at all. He made a good presence apart from his clothes and body. He was in good moods. And on the rooftop, he was everything what I used to like. 

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