1. Josh

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Just as my dog and I finished our morning walk around the house, I got a call from my best friend Dean. What does he want from me now? I am going to attend my school courses but not at 8 o'clock sharp. That's too early for me. And secondly, the school is too far away from that to be on time. Even if I had driven there with my car, I would have gotten into the morning traffic and I hadn't had any nerves for that.

"What is, bro?", I asked bored. "You know what's today, don't you?" Of course. That's only a rhetorical question, as hell knows that today is another bored day of school. Nothing special, isn't it? "Yes. We have a project at ten o'clock.", I said self-confidently. "Sometimes your head is wasted, you've known that. No project today. Much more important is that you promised you would show up on time and right now, I am standing here, and you aren't. So, I can certainly make a bet that you've totally forgotten." Shit. I can remember. Today is this information for college registers and Dean wanted to go there with me today. I fucked up again.

"Sorry bro. I come as fast as possible. I promise." "Oh, really. I've heard this a hundred times now, man. You need to get your shit together finally. We are graduating this year and you even haven't a plan what you wanna do after." Okay, he is clearly pissed at me and I can absolutely understand his outbreak, but he knows this since we were little that I am who I am. Someone who you not want to be friends with. "Calm down. I am coming. Give me half an hour. You go find two seats somewhere way more behind so that I can easily sneak into. Perfect. Bye, bro!" and with this I ended my phone call and ran into my house to my room to change quickly.

"Josh, what do you want to eat for breakfast!?", my mother shouted from downstairs. "Nothing mum. I'm taking just an apple on my way out!" I told her as I was walking down the stairs. "Where are you heading to so early?" My mum is just as curious as always. "I promised Dean to meet him at the college. He will maybe attend there next year and I have to hold his hand for first-aid help." "That's really sweet of you. Do you know where you're going after finishing school?" Why is everybody freaking out what I want to become later in life. "No. But I have enough time to figure it out." "Yes, sure you are always so clever but keep in mind that here in this country are enough colleges to go to. So, no worries about going abroad." My mum has mentioned this opportunity every time and for sure I understand her worries when I go away and she is staying here alone. To be a single mother is not easy. I experienced it right in front of my eyes and sometimes it was utterly heart-breaking. I sighed and grabbed my phone, an apple and my car keys and heading to the door to be outside before she could run after me to bring me my jacket. It's too warm for that shit to wear. As I was about to start the engine my phone beeped. It was a message from Dean. Hot Girls here, bro. Come fast. Next year will be fun.;) He can't really be serious right now. Does he just want to check out girls or does he want to get informed for next year? But it would be good for me if there are some girls. Maybe one or two phone numbers. More numbers mean more connections and more connections mean more parties.

Will start my journey to you to girls' land. See u in 'round 15 min. I get the good looking ones. Now I have to smile. It's just funny that he is trying to look after girls. Over a year ago he couldn't even look into some girl's eyes. And this year he is capable of speaking two or three sentences in arrow with one. When I tossed my phone on the passenger seat, I saw my mother's face looking through the window. And in her hand she hold my biker jacket. "It is quite cold. You need this." I rolled down the window while smiling as kind as I could pretend. Sometimes she is a real pain in the ass. She laid the jacket on my passenger seat and wished me a good day. Shortly after I was driving off, I turned my music on. My car got filled with the best techno sounds the world has ever heard of.

When I arrived, I noticed that most of the people were already inside the building and strolled into the direction to a huge hall where the first announcement would be. As I entered the door, I saw a very feminine woman in a ruby jacket. She handed out papers for information. Might be one of the first years here. Some guy was shaking her hand and ogled her from head to toe. What an asshole? But anyway, she was laughing with him and had a very genuine smile. Maybe she was pretending to be amused by his words. This guy couldn't be one of the first prizes. Too short and too ugly. She could have so much better from my point of view. However, this situation or she shouldn't concern me. My priorities are something different and right now I should be sitting next to my best friend Dean. I went through the door and saw a lot of people standing, sitting and talking. What does Dean get me into this time? I'm already exhausted if I imagine what this day will be about. A lot of nothing.

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