20 Rebecca

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"Hey, what you are doing tomorrow?", he asked with his deep voice, looking with his shimmering grey eyes into my emerald ones. Could I get any more lost into his ones? Every time he is near me, I felt that the energy is rushing with as new-winning power through my body. A never ending one as long as he is next to me. Considering what saying next to him, I could feel his hand taking mine, while still checking me out, as he was searching of a rejection from me. However, I would never do that to him. Not when he was that close. We were still standing at the bus station. Where we always were. Newbuiltstreet. A couple of months ago it was just a normal and boring station with nothing special to me. Now there was the happiest place for me to be. Couldn't imagining when him and I would be finishing school and not meeting there anymore. "I can't wait till tomorrow. Maybe we could go somewhere now?" Hoping for his approvement and still my stare fixed to his eyes, while sometimes looking down at his so smooth and kissable lips "Loved to but my mother and I have a shooting to attend. Sorry."

And there it was. My screaming point. Always when my heart teared in two, I needed to wake up. I couldn't hear this. He didn't want me as much as he wanted his mother and the camera. Would it be in reality the same as in my dreams? What should I do if he would be waiting there at the bus station with me. And then he would come, we would have a super time till he would decide to whether let me down for a shooting or suggesting to give him my opinion about his hair, which took whole three hours or even longer to look so flawless.

God, I couldn't take that. I had known somebody, who really took that long in the bathroom for styling his hair perfectly. The guy's best friend complained about it, as we were camping together and I couldn't truly believe it first. Although I had known that the guy from our school was a total jerk, I never had guessed that his friends could only meet him three hours later after visiting the bathroom. That would definitely frustrate me as a girlfriend. So, what would happen if this model would take a duration of five hours. I couldn't stand this thought. This time wouldn't be worth waiting for it.

For the third time in a row, I got up completely covered in sweat but not only because the cruel acceptance that Cutie and me couldn't happen in any way. No, I forgot for another night to turn off my heater. My whole room was heated up and it was like to be in a sauna. While leaving to school my whole heart still ached. These upcoming dreams seemed so real. So real that my heart fasted after every nightmare. Even if I already knew how it would be ending, I still hoped for a wonder.

Luckily, today we got an early ending because physique teacher called sick today, so I headed home to catch a few things and change because it was a bit colder than I thought in the morning. My mood represented the weather. I was cool but mysteriously, it only rained. There wasn't any snow since that day. That special day where I could have spoken to him. However, sometimes, I feel myself like a chicken. A little chicken who has nothing better to do to run away instead of facing the important things in life. The things which I want.

Checking on Quando when the next bus was leaving, made me shocked. I had four minutes left or else, I would be late for the meet up with a friend. "Shit. Shit. Shit.", I cursed while running out of the door. Surprisingly, there stood my neighbour. She was an older lady. Shaking dismissively her head of disapproval and mumbling to herself about the young generation with no respect and bad education. I ignored it because I had to catch a bus. Running and almost driven dead as I was sprinting over the street without looking.

Gladly, my feet and lungs were ruined, I could see the last street to cross before getting to the 14A bus station of Margareten. And there my brain shut into stupid mode as I saw a person, who I never believed to see here. Surely, because his school was a few streets away. But there he was anyway at this time. Wearing another brown coat in which he looked more than cute. I just wished that my dream would come true. That I could walk up to him, he had waited for me with this one-million-dollar smile, wanted me to hug him and cuddle into his warm looking coat as much as I wanted it right now. 

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