10 Rebecca

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I saw this one guy from the open college day. Wow. I never thought that I would see anyone of them again. Obviously, I was wrong. However, I have to say the guy looked frightened as he saw me again. I just waved him and smiled but he was all over the heels. Like a little wallflower. Maybe he was just surprised. Maybe he was scared. After he went further, I said to one of my schoolmates who I met today accidently that this was the guy from the college.

"He looked really nice.", she stated out and turned around to watch his back while he was walking further and further away from us. "And his back isn't so bad as well." Suddenly, I perceived that the subway underground was totally empty, there was not a single soul to be seen, except from the three of us and you could hear everything. Every word had a strong and clear sound now. So did this guy hear what my friend had said. He turned around and I looked directly into his eyes. He smirked. It was visible that he liked the honest words from my friend. I just turned around and shook my head in disbelieve. It was a hundred percent second-hand embarrassment for me. "No. Please stop. That's not the good looking one.", I told her.

"There is someone who is even more stunning? Why aren't you still together with one of those? They are truly perfect." I laughed hysterically. "No. They aren't perfect, believe me but the other one was really cute on that day. He is just a cutie." I smiled and got onto the subway. Who was now obsessed with who. Definitely not me.

"Then just talk to him.", my friend started the conversation again as we were on the subway. It was not so full and stuffed with people today which was I thankful for. "I haven't seen him since then. I really thought, it would be the school near my home where he went but I sat hours every time I had a free hour or after school in the parc with coffee and waited that maybe one day he would come out and I would see him and I could talk to him. But nothing. It's like he was invisible. I didn't understand why on earth he wasn't in any of these pictures from that day. Why did nobody see him in Vienna? I mean, Vienna is a city but not a big one.", I represented my daily mind. As from her mood, I could see that she knew that I was sad and confused with what happened here. She engulfed me in a bear hug. That made me only more uncomfortable.

"I promise you some day, the fate will show you if he is the one. And it will lead the way to your happy end. Just the same as with my boyfriend.", she whispered confident in my right ear. And there it was the word which I hated the most: fate.

To have faith in some universal bullshit was just ridiculous. Either I can meet him because of coincidence that he was in the same area as me one day and we will exchange numbers and I can know about him more or it just shouldn't be. But there are no spirits who are delighted to lead me my way. Surly, I adore films about spirits and connection between persons and something irrational which nobody can explain but I am convinced that nothing is real about this. It's just fantasy. But instead of explaining her my way of believing, I just nodded and gladly she released me from the hug.

The rest of my Friday was still normal and boring. My courses were nothing special. Most of the courses I worked not even little for. More or less, I was lost in my thoughts. In my imagination that maybe it would be real that the other boy was sometimes taking the subway there too. That would mean that I would see him again. Before next year perhaps. I only need to wait a little longer. Still, I couldn't say but the image of this guy, how he looked like, how he moved, how he acted around other people stuck in my head. Although it was weeks ago that I met him, I still had his features detailed in front of me. But why?

"Becca, do you know how the curve from the driving car is?" Suddenly I noticed that I was half of the hour in my thoughts and not paying any attention to my physique teacher. "Eh... Which car?", I tried to whisper but sadly my teacher heard it. "You need to listen. So, does anybody know the answer to my previous question?", he repeated. Shit, I really need to be more careful where and when I think about somebody. Luckily after this hour my school day ended. However, even if my day ended in school, my mind wasn't finished.

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