Chapter Twelve: Questions and Digging for Answers

Start from the beginning

Two years ago she had found a book, written in French, about intercourse. She thought it dealt with love because of the Title: Artde l'amour. She read it until she came across drawings of the act as it taught positions and the expectations of desire. At the time, her embarrassment had not allowed her to finish it. Now she would because she wished to know.

An education on the subject would be advantageous. Especially concerning the new feeling she had when he touched her waist or kissed her cheek. It was not comparable to the kisses she received from the men in her family. When Ben touched her, she experienced butterflies, her heartbeat skipped, and her breath froze in anticipation.

Tomorrow, she would definitely get that book from the shelf. What's more, she would speak to Charlotte and share the book with her. Since she had a mother, she likely learned all about the techniques of such an act.

If she didn't know, she would ask Ben. Asking her brothers would only embarrass them. This would also test Ben to see if he would indeed talk to her about anything.


The maid woke Vivian when she entered to light a fire to take the chill off the room. After she left, Vivian rose from bed to take a look outside to check the sky. Yesterday had been a lovely day but today the clouds were building. She had little hope it would clear up so she could go for a ride with Ben. Regardless, she would spend time with him and that was what she wanted.

Last night she had learned her lesson on fashion. The green dinner gown she had worn had not been a good choice. Ruth had asked if she was feeling ill. Charlotte intervened and said the yellow tinge in the green color was responsible for her looking ill.

That gown would now be given away or burned. She opened her wardrobe and began going through her clothes searching for any material of that color. Luckily, there was nothing more. She proceeded to choose what she would wear to Ben's. Because of the weather, she chose a black riding skirt with a train and a matching fitted jacket. A white blouse with gold stripes was chosen to wear with it.

After she was dressed, she stared at her reflection deciding the outfit gave her a more mature look. With her hair braided down her back and a gold ribbon threaded in it, she was pleased. At the back of her mind, she wondered if today he would kiss her. If he didn't, she would ask him why.

She hurried downstairs to the library. After entering, she shut the door behind her and climbed the stairs leading to the landing of the second level of the bookcase. A sliding ladder was moved to the location of the book and she carefully climbed it to reach the book she wanted. The small size conveniently fit inside the large pockets of her skirt.

Tugging the train of her skirt up, she climbed down the ladder and then slid it back to where it belonged before going down the steps. When she closed the library door, she heard her father's voice in the breakfast room.

She entered and approached to kiss his cheek. "Good morning, Father."

He smiled and noticed her clothing. "A ride today doesn't look promising."

"You are likely correct. However, if the sun comes out I will be dressed for it. Radley will want to spend time with Charlotte. I also look forward to spending some time with her." He nodded with acceptance. Perhaps he knew arguing would cause a fight between them.

* * *

Ben stood at the window with his coffee as he waited for Vivian's arrival. He considered the conversation he had with Lord Brighton last night. Even though he had sound reasons for postponing the wedding, he refused to take the decision away from Vivian. Though postponing it would allow time to become better acquainted and comfortable in each other's company. Today would be a good test. He had work to do and she wanted to help. If such bored her, she could visit with Charlotte.

The relationship between Radley and Charlotte was challenging. Because of his actions last eve, he would like to know what Radley has said to her. Whatever it was, it worked to gain her compliance even though he had taken her from the room with his hand clasped around her arm. If she hadn't wished to go, she would have likely bloodied his nose. Being raised with brothers, she had learned to fight.

 Being raised with brothers, she had learned to fight

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To my readers:

This chapter should give you a good idea of where these relationships are heading. Most young girls at sixteen are thinking of romance. With Vivian's life planned out for her with a prearranged marriage, she would be very curious. Without a mother, she would be seeking answers. What and how she learns should be fun to read.

Hope you enjoyed it. I'd love to hear your comments. Please, REMEMBER TO VOTE... and thanks for reading.

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