Chapter 29: The Hero's Dark Side

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Chapter 29: The Hero's Dark Side

Two days went by. Nothing very eventful happened on the boat, aside from the party playing with the Pokemon cards and Link getting to know his son a little bit more.

The night time fell and the party fell asleep in their cabins.

Uten had a dream in which she was swimming through the deep ocean, and eventually she saw two red eyes look up at her through the darkness. The two eyes ascended and revealed a body that looked exactly like hers, just completely dark. It swam up to the surface and then she looked up. Her eyes opened for real. She looked up and saw her cabin, and in her cabin there were two red glowing eyes looking down at her. It raised a sword and sliced at her torso, which hurt her insides tremendously. She got off of her bed and rushed through the corridors to the other cabins.

"Help! Someone's here!" Uten screamed. She turned around to see the two red eyes looking at her through the darkness.

A cold and evil voice sounded from where the red eyes were. "You chose to kill them! You thought it was your decision to end their lives!" The red eyes approached her, and Uten kept on running through the corridor. Poump awoke and came out of his cabin, as well as Zhago and Tipa. They noticed the red eyes following Uten.

"That can't be good. Not at all." Zhago said.

"I think I know what this is about." Poump said. He pulled out his Magic Sword and pursued the red eyes. Uten eventually made it to a large room, where she barred herself in. The room had plenty of areas to hide. Poump tried shooting his energy beam at the red eyes, but they seemed to move out of the way from the attack. Then the eyes walked right through the door into the room Uten was hiding in. She tried hiding behind the different barrels in the room, but the red eyes found her very quickly. Uten got a better look at the eyes and discovered that it had a body, a silhouette of some kind. It shared the shape of Link with his green tunic.

"What in the-?" Uten exclaimed as the Dark Link thrusted it's sword into Uten's face. Even though her face didn't open up in reaction to this sword, it felt really sharp and painful, as if the sword's cut sunk itself through her head. The pain felt real, even though her head was completely fine. She fell to the floor in immense pain from the attack.

Zhago, Poump, and Tipa made it to the barred door. "It's barred." Zhago said as he tried pushing it open. "Hold on." He said as he grabbed Poump and Tipa. He teleported through the door and into the room, accidentally landing on a barrel, causing it to combust and the barrel's contents rolled across the floor. The Dark Link looked at the other three who landed in the room.

"This is going to be fun." Dark Link said maniacally with his voice of menace. He walked through the room and approached the three party members with his sword ready to attack. Tipa and Zhago tried attacking the Dark Link, but it parried both of their attacks and sliced through them, making them feel pain on the inside. Poump thrust his Magic Sword forward towards the Dark Link, which noticeably caused him to flinch just a tiny bit. Poump stabbed at him again, but this time the Dark Link hopped onto Poump's sword and looked at him. He felt weightless on the sword. However, Dark Link's energy froze Poump in place. All Dark Link did was stare at Poump for a little bit, and then he hopped off of the sword. Tipa ran up to the barred doors and opened them up.

"Where are you going Tipa?!" Poump shouted to Tipa.

Tipa looked back at Poump and then ran out of the room. She went through the corridors and eventually arrived at Link's cabin, which was locked. She looked both ways through the corridor and then flinched a little bit when she saw Link standing right behind her with a blank expression on his face. She waved her hand in front of his face. "Wake up." She said.

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