Chapter 12: The Little Princess

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Chapter 12: The Little Princess

The next morning came along and all of the party members went out of their guest rooms and walked downstairs. Alphie walked up to the party. "What would you like for breakfast, our honored guests?"

"Just about anything, please." Poump replied.

"I'll prepare something you will all enjoy." Alphie said as he walked towards the kitchen. The party sat in the dining room and marveled at how elaborate the interior of this house was.

"Hey, what's up with the chicken?" A little kid said to the Zora as she was at the table.

"This is a cucco, and she's our friend!" The Zora said to the kid. "Who are you?"

"The name is Richard." The kid replied. "I've been training to be an excellent fighter, just like Bruce."

"That sounds wonderful." The Zora replied.

"Yeah. I use my talents to their best. There's someone I know in Castle Town that really likes my moves!"

"Who are they?" The Zora asked.

"Why would I tell you? It's a secret!" Richard replied. He then ran out of the room motioning his hands as if he was on a motorcycle.

"What a funny kid." The Zora said as she started eating again.

"So what's the plan guys?" Poump asked.

"Here's what we'll be doing." The Sheikah said. "We will walk around Castle Town and ask around to see how the public views Aghanim and if they know about his actions. We will also go to Hyrule Castle and ask the guards what they know about Aghanim, and if he has any weaknesses."

"Sounds like a plan." Poump said. "I'm going to try and disguise myself as a new guard and walk around the castle to see if there is any chance of finding a weakness from inside the castle itself.

"That's a good idea." The Zora said. "The most important thing is that we need to be careful. Make sure we're on Aghanim's good side, until we know for certain what we can do to defeat him without much loss."

"Backaw." The cucco added.

The party finished eating. Bruce appeared. "Since you are done eating, make sure you go back to Castle Town through the cave. Aghanim still wants you within the town's walls, so it's better that you don't risk going in through the front."

"Got it." The Sheikah replied. The party went through the secret entrance and walked their way back through the cave to the lift that brought themselves back into the alleyway they went in.

"We'll split up now." The Sheikah said. "Just be natural." The team split up.

Poump made his way towards the Hyrule Castle gates. "Hello there gatekeeper." Poump said. "Zelda said that she's fine with me roaming the Castle."

"How do I know you're working with Zelda?" The gatekeeper asked.

"Because I have this Sheikah Slate." He brought up the Slate.

"Good. Very well, you may pass." The gatekeeper opened the gate for Poump. "There are a few more places you can visit in the castle while you're wearing our special uniform. If you want to gain a uniform, speak to the smithy in the courtyard."

"Thank you." Poump said, and he walked into the castle.

The Sheikah and the Zora asked around the Castle Town for knowledge about Aghanim. Most of the citizens replied saying that they hope that he would enforce good rules, while some citizens didn't even know that Zelda wasn't in the castle. A handful of citizens even responded by saying that they don't have a good feeling about Aghanim's rules, saying that they put too much faith in militarism. When asked about the difference between Zelda's rules and Aghanim's rules, most of the citizens say that they prefer Zelda's rules.

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