Chapter 15: The Citadel's Basement

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Chapter 15: The Citadel's Basement

The lift went down into darkness and then it stopped. As if by something activating, Sheikah technology lights lit up the room. It was a corridor. Eerily enough, it looked like the walls were built with skulls on the walls. The wall even displayed some information plaques. The place seemed to be functional, but it didn't feel like somewhere the party wanted to be at.

"I don't like it here." Uten said. She got back onto the lift, however it never allowed her to go back up.

"Hee hee hee hee!" The Skull Kid's laughter reverberated around the room. "You're stuck down here with me! You will become my playthings! And soon enough me and my Princess will have so many new toys!" The Skull Kid's voice disappeared.

"Great, now we're locked down here with ourselves and that psychopathic child." Uten said. She did not like the circumstances they were in.

"Guess what Uten, we have nowhere else to go but forward." Poump said. "We made it this far in trying to find Hilda, so we need to commit ourselves to this challenge."

"You're right." Uten said. "The sooner we press on, the faster we are out of this hell hole." The party walked forward and arrived at a gaping hole in the ground. There was a door to their right, so they walked through the door. They came into a room that had a statue in the center of the room. Poump pulled out the Sheikah Slate in order to see what this statue was since he had seen it before. The screen said 'DARKNUT'. The statue awakened and brought out it's weapon and lumbered towards them. Some tombs came out of the wall behind it and 6 Redeads walked behind the Darknut. "Seriously?!" Uten said.

Tipa brought out her two Katanas and prepared to fight. Despite the fact that she never wielded a sword before, she mostly understood the basics by watching the others use weapons while she was a cucco. She flailed her swords at the Darknut, which swiped at her and with it's large sword hit her on her back. "Uten, you should deal with the Redeads back there. You have a spear, which is useful because it will keep them far away from you." The Sheikah said to Uten.

"Alright then." Uten brought out her spear and dodged out of the way from the Darknut's attack and made it to the Redeads. She stabbed her spear at some of them and managed to knock them down.

"Bomb's away!" The Sheikah said and Uten rolled out of the way. The Sheikah threw some bombs at the downed Redeads and they blew up. Only 2 more Redeads were in the room.

Poump and Tipa looked at the Darknut. Despite the fact that Tipa tanked a hit from the Darknut, she seemed fine. Her skin healed up by itself. Poump and Tipa took turns swinging at the Darknut's armor. Some of the pieces of it's armor fell off, which gave Poump an idea. He pulled out his clawshots and pulled at the different armor pieces. One of them was carried off, however the second clawshot was interfered by the Darknut pulling at it and smacking Poump into the ground. Tipa jumped up to the Darknut's helmet and stabbed through the eye hole and left her sword in it. The Darknut continued walking around the room with the sword in its head. It trampled on the remaining 2 Redeads and then it pulled the sword out of it's head and walked through a door. The Sheikah bombed the remaining Redeads.

"What in the world." The Sheikah said. "It walked away. But it wasn't even limping. It must be planning something." The party walked through the door that the Darknut walked through. They found themselves in a small room with a door to their left, and a treasure chest in front of them. The walls of the room seemed to display some artwork showcasing what looked like a figure in a green tunic holding a bow and pointing it at a pig-like creature. The walls had even more artwork showcasing the figure in the green tunic in battle with the pig-like creature, and each art piece had a different artstyle. The Sheikah opened up the chest in the room and looked through its contents. The chest contained a mask of some sort that looked like a hawk's face. Tatl looked at the item the Sheikah was holding.

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