Chapter 54 : Spiraling

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Katniss POV

After a weekend at the beach and roaming the hotel we fly home. I walk inside and fall onto my bed. I have to meet my coach and some sponcers in 20 minutes. I change into a black crossed sports bra and a loose cotton light purple tank top and black leggings with designs on the ankle. I braid my hair in a top ponytail and slip on a teal headband. I lace up my black nike studio wraps and head outside. I pull up and there are five vans parked out front of the gym. I walk inside to see my coach speaking to a bunch of people dressed very formally. He spots me and winks as I walk up to him. “Hello Katniss. These were a few of the sponcers I was mentioning to you earlier. We have gk, Kellogg’s, Nike, Pacsun, and Brandy Melville representatives. They are all extremely interested in using your face for their new products.” he says.

“Hi nice to meet you.” I say shaking everyones hand. For a few hours I talk to each representative about what they are looking for from me. BY the end of the day I have meetings set up all week with each company. Coach and I say goodbye as they all drive off. I hug him and say goodnight and then head over to my car. I drive home exhausted from today. Tomorrow is Monday and after school I have to drive to gk to start designing my collection. I am making twelve different leotards. I can’t wait. Sometimes for fun I would go on their website and make my own but I never really ordered any of them. I shower and go to bed. 

I wake up and change into an army green shirt with black leather shoulder pads, a white skirt with black leather trim, a maroon sweater, yellow and gray polka dot socks, my black low rise boots, and my cargo jacket. I pin my hair back with a clip and grab a smoothie in the kitchen. It has mango, coconut, strawberry, and raspberry. My favorite. I pour it in a to go cup that is white with silver polka dots and pour another into a black and pink striped cup for Prim and then we drive to school. I head to my class and sit in the back. All of a sudden Mason walks in hand in hand with some girl with dark brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. I feel a ping of jealousy inside but quickly wash it away. They sit next to each other and are acting all cutesy. Ugh it’s disgusting. Johanna sits next to me and nudges my side. I snap out of my trance and look over at her. She has a smirk plastered on her face. “Jealous much?” she asks. 

“Am not.” I say defensively. By the time lunch rolls around I am starving. I unpack and find my lunch is left over Chinese food from dinner. I have a box of fried rice, some dumplings, and pasta. I gobble it down and drink my diet coke. I throw away my trash and sit back down with my friends. Someone knocks into my chair making me squish between the chair and the table uncomfortably. I push back out and look to see Delly looking back at me with a smirk. I roll my eyes and focus back to the table. The bell rings and I head to the library for my free set. I look through the gk website for inspiration and stet to come up with ideas. I am either going to have it all bright colors or more toned and fashionable ones. Like maroon, navy, army green, dark purple. More current and popular in regular clothes. But then again gymnastics leotards are always so colorful so maybe I’ll go with teal, pink, yellow, lavender, lime green. I don’t know. Maybe I will even mix them together. Maybe I could do a black and white collection too. That might be too boring though. My train of thought is broken by the bell and I quickly pack up my stuff and head to my class. 

When the day is over I quickly go to my car. I arranged for Peeta to drive Prim home since the drive is kind of far and I can’t be late. I stop at a fast food place and grab something to eat on the way.

After a long ride I finally arrive at the building. I walk inside and am met by the lady I met with yesterday. “Good afternoon Katniss. This way.” she says and escorts me to an office room. I am sat in front of a desk with a lot of art supplies. A lady comes in wearing a white button up shirt, red pants, her hair in a bun, and black glasses. She smiles nervously at me and sits across from me at the desk. I go through my thoughts from earlier and she jots down notes. 

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