Chapter 20 : Protected

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Peeta POV

I walk into school and over to our bench giving Katniss a kiss on the forehead. She doesn’t look up from her train of thought or lack there of. She is so different and I don’t blame her. I walk her to her class giving her a kiss on the cheek she looks in my eyes which is a huge thing for her. I am worried about her every time we are apart but I know she is in class with Cato and Finnick so she will be safe. I sit down next to Marvel and Johanna and try my hardest to listen to our lesson. I am writing notes when I hear a loud noise ring through the school. I look up confused and the teacher locks the door and turns the lights off yelling at us to sit by the wall. The three of us sit cuddled up and jump when we hear another shot, something like a gunshot. All I can think about is Katniss. She is probably freaking out right now. I stand up to go find her but Marvel grabs me and Johanna helps him forcing me to stay here. I curl up and cry for my girl. I don’t care about me I just need to make sure she is okay. My poor Katniss.

Katniss POV

I hear a faint knock in the distance. A few seconds later I hear another one getting closer. Then I hear it come to our door and there is someone frantically turning the door knob. The window on the door has nothing blocking it so they can look right inside. I can be seen no doubt so I just try to hide my face in Glimmer’s neck. The person is not leaving they just keep turning the knob. I hear a very close gunshot and the door easily slides open. Someone slowly starts taking steps inside the room coming closer and closer to me. I don’t dare move in fear of him and the gun. Glimmer is shaking in my arms. I look up and we lock eyes. He smiles and tears form in my eyes. He quickens his pace and grabs my arm. “NO! STOP! PLEASE! HELP!” I scream while flailing around. Finnick and Cato stand up and grab my arms trying to loosen his grip. Cato kicks the gun out of his hand and the teacher runs over and grabs it running out of the room. “PEETA!” I yell hoping he will hear me since the door is now wide open. The man gets away from Finnick and Cato and runs out the classroom door. I grab the trim of the door and hold on for my life. Eventually I cannot hold on for much longer and I let go. He breaks into a run and the whole time I am screaming. I take my foot and kick him in the stomach and he leans over. I jump out of his hands and run to the next classroom I can find. I knock on the for frantically yelling for help. No one opens it so I run to the next room. I look inside since the window is not covered and find it is Peeta, Johanna, and Marvel’s classroom. He sees me and unlocks the door taking me in his arms. I cry into his shoulder making his sweater wet. “He is here. He had me, he touched me!” I sob into his shoulder. He strokes my hair trying to calm me down. I feel a tug on my waist and think Peeta is just tightening his hold on me but before I can think I am pulled out of Peeta’s arms and am in the hallway again. I scream and Peeta runs after me. I fall limp giving up on myself. I am dropped to the ground and roll from the pain on my still healing back. I see the blurry image of the black hooded man. He kicks me in the side and slaps my face then he turns around and runs. I curl up and cry. 

“I told you not to touch my man” I hear her say. Delly. I take my anger against her to stand. She looks at me with pity. I try to walk towards her but fall to my knees. She kicks my side and I fall on my back. I hear her familiar heels click away. Then all of a sudden the loud speaker turns on giving a message.

“We have cleared the building. Everyone is clear to continue on with the regular school day. Please proceed.” They say and then they turn it off. I hear doors opening and footsteps of student fill the hallway. I am still lying on the ground so I sit up hugging my knees. Two people come to my side and lift me. I see it is Clove and FInnick. They bring me to my next class and I just sit there. Where did Peeta go? Why didn’t he save me? I can never get away, never be safe. We get called to the assembly next class and file into our assigned seats. I sit with Cato and Johanna. I barely listen. It is just about our beginning of the year get away trip that never happened due to the renovation and they are deciding to have it next week. At least we can get far away from her. We get up and leave and I feel arms wrap around my waist. I jump and spin to see it is only Peeta. He has a smile on his face. Why is he so happy? Does he not remember what just happened a few hours ago and days ago? I push lout of his arms and storm away walking to my next class. I make it through the day somehow. I walk drive home with Finnick since we are neighbors and drop him off. I walk upstairs and Prim is sitting on my bed fiddling with her fingers. She looks up at me and runs over to me wrapping me in a hug. I give her a puzzled look. 

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