Chapter 30 : Partying

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Katniss POV

I wake up and wash my face. I put my hair in a bun and leave it like that. I get dressed in a light wash denim skirt with a white t shirt that has a daisy on it and slip on a maroon sweater. I put on white high top converse and grab the books I need for today. All we do in school for the last week is go to school, take one or two tests, then leave. I eat and study at the same time. I hurry out after I eat and drive over to school. I play my favorite songs on the drive over to keep my mood up and to lower my stress. I rush into school and sit down at my seat for my first exam. I set out three pencils, an eraser, a ruler, and a calculator. I tap my fingers on the desk anxiously. Peeta sits down next to me and I give him a small smile. He stands up and kneels beside my desk. He grabs my hand and kisses it. I still am not relaxed at all. He notices and stands up and kisses me. This actually works and when he pulls away I smile for real. The teacher comes over and hands me the test. Today I have math which I am good at but I am still really nervous. 

After I finish I walk to my English class for that test and sit beside Annie. That test goes by with a breeze and after that Annie and I go to get coffee. She comes home with me and we study for our Spanish and History finals tomorrow since we have them together also.

This repeats itself with other friends every day and right now I am in my last test and everyone is driving over to my house afterwards. I finish up my last science essay for the test and turn it in to the teacher. She smiles and I smile back knowing this is the end of my junior year. I walk out of the class and meet Clove and Peeta at the classroom over. We run to the car and Annie and Finnick pile into my car also. Everyone else goes in Cato’s car. I drive over to my house and we file into my house. I grab everything and set up outside. I turn on the fare and set up a station with different flavored marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate, and hot chocolate. I also put out a few beers and a popcorn stand. I call everyone outside and they come out. I plug in a switch and lights pop up all over my backyard. Everyone wows and gasps at how it looks. We sit down around the fire with marshmallows and talk. Cato gets up and throws everyone a beer. I sip it down and cringe a little. Tomorrow there is an end of the year party and a few days later is a beginning of summer party. Tomorrow it is a costume party. I have my outfit all planned out but it is a surprise. I am being a nurse. I am going to wear a white bustier and red tight nylon shorts. I also got white high socks with little red bows at the top that go below my knees. I have a little nurse hat too. I hope Peeta likes it. He told me he is being a surfer. I know I like that. We laugh about random things all night and drink up with our marshmallows. I fall asleep by the fire laying against Peeta and my legs across Finnick. 

I wake up to the smell of something burning. I open my eyes and see the grass in front of me on fire. I scurry away and yell to everyone to wake up. They look up and see the fire and run away. Finnick runs in the house with Peeta and they fill a bucket with water. They come back out and throw it on the fire. It sizzles and extinguishes and I sigh with relief. I lie down on the grass and Annie lies her head on my stomach. I fall asleep twirling her hair in my fingers. I wake back up with the sun in my eyes. I sit up and Annie groans when I move. I go inside and start to make breakfast. I make waffles with chocolate chips and cut up strawberries with other berries for toppings. I also put out whipped cream, butter, syrup, powdered sugar, and Nutella. One by one people wake up and eat. They enjoy it and everyone but clove heads home. Clove is getting ready with me. She is being a mermaid. She puts on a blue shell bra with a blue sparkly pencil skirt. She curls her hair and and puts a seashell clip in her hair. I straighten my hair and put on my clothes. I tie up my white converse. I slap on bright red lipstick and do a winged eyeliner. Clove puts on nude lipstick and blue sparkly eye shadow. I do last touch ups and we head over to the party. Its at this girl Sarah’s house who we go to school with. We walk inside and the party is already crowded. We are handed a cup with a clear liquid in it and I take a sip. I find Peeta and he moves through the crowd of people and kisses me intensely. He pulls me through the people to a jug of alcohol and a girl doing a handstand on it with a tube in her mouth. I laugh at the red head who is chugging it down. Finally she comes down and I see it is Annie! She falls over her feet but Finnick catches her. I am on the ground laughing at this point. This is so not like Annie. She points to me signaling me to go next. I shake my head no but a few people push me towards the jug. I agree and get in handstand. I chug and try to forget about how bad the taste is.  After I am up here for a few minutes I come down and fall over from being upside down for too long. Peeta grabs my hand and lifts it in the air. I laugh and clap my hands together. Annie and I are now more drunk than anyone else at the party. We go over to a table and lay down. We call Peeta and FInnick over. We pour three shots and lay them on our stomachs. They put their hands behind their backs and they slurp them off our stomachs. It tickles a lot but after they have finished all three I sit up and hug Peeta. I crash my lips on his and I wrap my legs around him. He lies me back down on the table and he climbs on top. I hear the table creak and all of a sudden the legs give out and we fall to the ground. I gasp and laugh hysterically. Peeta rolls off and laughs with me. We get up and dance even more. Peeta dances close to me and unbuttons my bustier. I throw it in the air and lean against Peeta. We party all night and it is probably the most fun I have had in a while. I fall asleep in Peeta’s car and he carries me inside. He gets to my door step and I wake up. “No, let’s go to your house tonight.” I whisper with a grin. He smiles and carries me back to the car. I watch him drive and fall asleep again. A dream enters my mind though.

I am watching Peeta drive still and he looks over at me. I see headlights coming towards us behind Peeta. I scream and the world goes black when we come in contact. 

I jolt awake and sigh with relief when I see we are still on the road. Peeta keeps his eyes on the road thankfully and grabs my thigh reassuringly. He squeezes it which tickles and I giggle. We get to his house and I stumble inside laughing. I bump into Ricky again and he hugs me. I hug him back and Peeta pulls me to his room. He shuts the door and I undress. I grab one of his shirts which is huge on me. I wash off my makeup and walk into his bedroom. He is sitting in his boxers on the bed and looks up at me. He smiles at me. “You look gorgeous.” he says.

“I am in a t shirt with no makeup on. How can I be gorgeous?” I ask and lay down next to him.

“You are beautiful no matter what.” he whispers. He kisses me sweetly. I fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. 

I wake up to a pan clattering. I jolt up and so does Peeta. We walk downstairs and Mr. Mellark is cooking in the kitchen. Peeta knocks on the door frame and his dad turns around. He shakes his head. “I am so clumsy sometimes. Oh hello Katniss.” he says.

“Hi. Good Morning.“ I say. We sit down at the table and he sets two plates with omelets and english muffins steaming off it. Ricky comes down and sits on the other side of Peeta and he gets a plate too. I hear someone else head downstairs and I tense up. What if it is his mother. He squeezes my leg to calm me down and I take another bite of my food. She walks over and takes a plate of food. She sits down across from Ricky and starts to eat. She looks up and stops chewing when she sees me. She swallows and drops her fork. 

“Hello Katherine.” she says with a sarcastic tone. 

“It’s Katniss mom.” Peeta says.

“It’s okay. Hi.” I say with a small grin. 

“Did you sleep here last night?” she says with a fake smile.

“Yes I did. Was that okay?” I ask nervously.

“Of course it was okay Katniss. You are welcome anytime.” Mr. Mellark says

“I guess. But I do not enjoy sluts sleeping in my house.” she says exaggerating the word slut. 

“Mom!” Peeta and Ricky yell. I ignore it and keep eating. 

“Then I hope Delly Cartwright does not stop by.” I say. Peeta laughs. I finish eating and bring my plate to the sink. 

“The slut can’t even wash a dish. How useless.” his mom says. Peeta stands up angrily and walks over to his mom. 

“Say sort. You have no right talking to her like that.” he yells in her face. She stands up angrily and looks at me.

“Sorry you are such a slut. Boy you have no right talking to your mother like that.” she says and slaps his cheek. I scream and walk towards her. Ricky grabs my waist and pulls me out of the kitchen. I kick and try to get out but give up. I cry into his shoulder. I feel the arms of Peeta pull me away and he carries me out of the house. He sits me on the step beside him. 

“I’m fine really.” he says. I look up and see his red cheek. I brush my fingers on it and he trembles slightly. I kiss it softly and rest my head on his shoulder. 

“I know I just can’t stand to see you get hurt.” I say. He hugs me and we stay like this for a while.

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