Chapter 6 : The Night

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Peeta POV

I watch Katniss go. I feel like I am being overprotective but so much has happened to her and I just wanna make sure she is safe at all times. She is walking and suddenly stops. I feel the urge to go and get her. but she keeps walking and turns to look at the building she starts stepping backwards and her eyes go wide. She trips over her feet and falls to the ground. She immediately stands back up and starts running opposite the direction of the house she was staring at. I grab my coat and yell for everyone to follow me and bolt out the door and try to spot Katniss. All I can find is a black hooded man looking for her also. I’m guessing this is who Katniss spotted and ran from. I turn my head to look in the opposite direction and when I turn back around he is gone. 

Katniss POV

I fall over my feet and immediately stand back up and run. I run as fast as I can away from him. I just hope Peeta was watching me and realized I was in trouble. I run to the woods down the street from Finnick’s house. I climb up a tree and hear a snap of a twig below me. I see a man’s shadow and do the stupidest thing, “PEETA!” and immediately regret it. He looks my wake and puts an evil grin on his face. He starts to climb up my tree and reaches my foot as i try to keep climbing farther. He pulls me down and I fall to the ground on my back. Pain shoots through me. I look up and see the face I regret remembering. Gale. “I remembered you,” I say with a frown.

“From the closet? It wasn’t that long ago.” he says.

“No from primary.”

“Oh that, took you long enough. But I have changed and so have you. Although, I never stopped loving you. “

“We were like 8 years old. I don’t love you. At all.” 

“You should.” Then he picks me up. I stand unsteadily with the pain in my back. He grips my waist tightly which makes me uncomfortable. 

“Gale your hurting me. Can you let go.”

“No.” Then he kisses me and it hurts. I can’t break free though. He is obviously stronger then me. “Kiss me back” he says between breathes. I refuse. With my refusal he throws me to the ground which kills my back and my arm again. Then he starts to slap my cheek and kick my stomach. I groan. He starts to walk away. 

“PEETA!” I shout with all the strength I have left. Gale turns back around and looks even more angry. He runs towards me and lifts me up by my collar. He rips off my skirt and I begin to shake frozen with fear.

“I didn’t wanna have to do this Catnip” he says. I remember him calling me that. I shutter when his large hands start to run up my thigh. He kisses and bites my neck and I start to yell. No one can hear me. I am gonna get raped in the woods. The one place that was sacred for me. He is still caressing my things and neck when he suddenly looks up and drops me. Ouch my back. I look up and he is gone. I am all alone. I break into tears and grab my skirt trying to put it back on. Once I have buttoned it up I crawl back to the tree without any energy to get up and run. I have no idea why he left but am so grateful he did. He almost took me before…before whatever made him run. I see a large shadow start walking my way and look up. I don’t bother to try and see who is is I just stand up with all my might and run as fast as I can. I hear the person, probably Gale, speed up his steps and break into a run after me. I look back and end up tripping and I realize there is no hope. 

“PLEASE! Please don’t hurt me just let me go. I’ll do anything. Please, please, please, please, please.” I say trying to block whatever is coming to me next. I hear more footsteps and can’t help but think of how bad this will get. “Why?! What did I do to you Gale? “ I cry and the person still hasn’t moved. He bends down to me and picks me up in his arms. I kick and flail my arms trying to let go of his hold. His grip is tight. He lifts me higher and throws me to the ground then punches and kicks me a few more times. The people I heard earlier come up to who I am assuming is Gale. 

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