Chapter 45 : Surprise

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Katniss POV

{Time Lapse : Christmas Eve}

Yesterday we visited UCLA’s campus and I had my interview with the headmaster. It went really well and I think she really liked me. I have just finished the last of my christmas shopping for everyone. The guy who found me on the radio gave me a little extra money for my singing on the radio. I got Mason a really nice watch and an autographed football. He got a scholarship for football and he is the schools quarterback. I got Prim this new ballet kit. I got her these customized dance shoes and a bag and this great leotard and tutu from the new collection. I got the guys these elite socks and the girls I got customized cheer bows since we have our first game after the break. We all started cheerleading this year for fun and to cheer on the guys. I got my mom a cook book and Plutarch a new wallet. I am driving home with Prim who got stuff for her friends and Devon. We walk inside and I dump my bags into my hotel room. I go downstairs and order the holiday hot cocoa special for my family to enjoy. My parents decided to give me my christmas present when I start school, my own apartment. Once I find out where I got into we are gonna look around for one. Prim is being really secretive about her gift. I also bought things for Mason’s sisters. I got Rachel an art kit since she loves to color, I got Brooke an easy bake oven since she loves baking with me, and a huge teddy bear for Sarah. I hope they like them. The hot chocolate comes up and I call everyone down. I make myself a peppermint white hot chocolate with whipped cream and a candy cane. Prim makes some sort of caramel and cinnamon hot chocolate with a lot of marshmallows. Mom and Plutarch just have mocha hot chocolate. We sit around the fireplace and enjoy our drinks. We set up out own christmas tree in the hotel. It is a big green tree with all white silvery decorations with a few blue and pink ornaments. My dad handmade most of the ornaments and we have used them since I can remember. I head upstairs and set a timer for 2 am to put my gifts under the tree. I fall asleep in anticipation. 

My alarm goes off and I quietly get up and grab my three gifts. I tip tope downstairs and slip them under the tree and find I’m the first one to put them down. I pour some milk and grab a box of sugar cookies and pour them on a plate. I set them next to the tree and go back up to my room. I fall back asleep excited for the next time I wake up. 

I look outside and the sun blinds me. I groan and then jump out of bed. I knock on Prim’s door rapidly and then sprint downstairs yelling for my parents to wake up. I sit on the couch waiting anxiously for them to follow. Prim runs down and almost trips on her own feet. I hear my mom and she tells us to start without her so I don’t ask twice. I grab the present Prim got me and unwrap it. She got me the olympic signed leotards and new nike sports bras and headbands. She put it in a customized gym bag. I guess we think alike. I hug her and topple over her to the ground. We thank each other and then I watch my parents and her open the rest of their gifts. After they have finished I see one little box deep under the tree. I reach in and see the tag has my name on it. I open it and it has a note. 

Walk outside.

That’s all it says. I stand up in my red and white striped pajama pants and white tank top. I open the door to our rented house for vacation. I see Mason in a suit and tie with a santa hat on his head. I cover my mouth and laugh. He smiles and pulls out a velvet box from his jacket. I open it and see it’s a charm bracelet. It has one with a cupcake, a hair bow, an iPod, a camera, a grip, a coffee mug, and an ice cream cone. He puts it on my wrist and then pulls two bags from next to the door. I grab the smaller one in a blue and white striped bag. I pull out a bottle of perfume from Marc Jacobs. We saw it in the mall a few weeks ago and I told him how much I had been wanting it but my mom never let me get it. I can’t believe he remembered. He remembered the perfume and every charm means something about him and I. I place it down next to me and he hands me the last bag. I pull out a light blue polaroid camera with a bunch of film. I gasp and place it down gently before jumping into his arms. I peck his lips and he puts me down. I run upstairs and grab my two wrapped gifts and run down with them. I hand him the watch box and he loves it. I help him put it on and then hand him the bag with the football in it. I have no idea who it’s signed by but I know he is important. He freaks out over it and gives me a huge hug and kiss. I smile but in the back of my mind I know that I’m keeping something from him. I haven’t told him about my elite camp in France that I am leaving for in two weeks. We go inside and my family is still by the tree. I scoot past them and bring Mason up to my room. I shut the door and we sit on the bed. “We have to talk.” I say.

“Okay. Shoot.” he says. 

“I found out about this before I even met you. It was right before summer started. I am the top gymnast at my club along with three other kids. Two boys and a girl. We were invited to an Elite Camp in France and its for 4 weeks and I am leaving for it in 2 weeks. I was afraid to tell you because I didn’t want you getting upset or anything.” I say without looking him in the eye. He tilts my chin up and looks me in the eye. 

“I would never be upset with you over an amazing opportunity. I am proud of you and I understand I just wish you told me earlier so I could spend more time with you before you left. Now your not getting rid of me. I am going to be with you every waking minute.” he says inching closer and closer to me. He leans in and places a kiss on my lips, wanting to deepen it, I lounge towards him. He lays onto his back bringing me with him. I straddle him and bend my legs up and sit on his chest still kissing him. He fiddles with my tank top strap and I slide my hands under his shirt. He hands play with my braid and untie it. H flips me onto my back and I arch with pleasure. He pulls away and looks at me with a smile. I give him a questioning look and he laughs. “You’re just incredible.” he whispers. I blush and bite my lip. “I love it when you do that.” he says and watches my mouth. 

“Do what?” I giggle. 

“Blush and bite your lip.” he says and runs his finger down my jawline. I sit up next to him and intertwine our fingers. I rub my thumb across the back of his hand and feel a scar. 

“What’s that?” I ask examining his hand. 

“Oh that is from when I got a cut and picked the scab when I was like 7 or something.” he says. He flips my hands over and sees my scars from cutting. He frowns when he sees them. “What are these?’ he says. 

“Um nothing.” I say looking away. I try and pull my wrists away but he won’t budge, 

“When and why did you do this to yourself?” he says. 

“You have no idea what my life was like before you were around. It was horrible.” I say. 

“The thought of you ever harming yourself or anyone hurting you makes me furious. Because to me you are this amazing person.” he says. By now tears are trickling down my face and he is wiping them away. 

“I’m sorry.” I whisper.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry for not being there to help you get through that rough patch in your life.” he says. 

“It’s not your fault. I had Peeta then.” I say mentally smacking myself for mentioning Peeta. 

“Well he obviously did a bad job at protecting you. I hate seeing you in pain and with tears in your eyes. I would do anything to put your beautiful smile on your face if it goes missing. I would do anything to go back to when your smile was missing to bring it back when no one else could.” he says. I hug him and bury my head in the crook of his neck. “Come on let’s go do something fun.” he says pushing me towards my closet. I put on a red crop top and white high waisted shorts. I lace up my gladiators and french braid my hair. I dab on red lipstick and walk out to my room. I grab my black cross body bag and head downstairs. He pulls me along the sidewalk until we stroll up to the gym beach. We play on the equipment and I take off my shoes. I do some tricks to impress him and we play in the sand. I go up on a skinny lola and try to balance on one foot. I wobble and fall over and he catches me. I look up and smile with a blush. He puts me down and we draw in the sand with our toes. Suddenly an older man with a beard runs over to me with an eery smile. 

“Hello. I noticed your skill on the beach and would really like to manage you and spark a career for you. Would you follow me this way?” he says placing a hand on my shoulder. His touch is cold and I shiver. I squeeze Mason’s hand. He guides me over to a white van and slides the door open. “I only have space for one person, sorry dude.” he says pushing me towards the car. 

“No he has to come with me.” I say. He shakes his head and laughs. 

“No can do miss.” he says. He grabs my wrist and shoves me a little. I fall into the side of the van but rush out. He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me back. 

“MASON!” I yell. He runs over and punches the guy in the face. He stumbles and looses his grip on me. I run towards Mason and we run to the beach. We sit down on the sand and he holds me rocking me back and forth. We don’t speak. We don’t kiss. We don’t do anything except watch the sunset. 

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