Chapter 25 : Raged

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Katniss POV

The song ends and I kiss Peeta passionately only to be pulled apart by none other than Gale. Peeta tightly hold my other hand not letting him take me. “Okay now for the other King to dance with the Queen.” our principal says. Gale tugs at me and Peeta let’s go. I stumble towards him nervously and begin to dance. I try to keep my distance but he pulls me in close. I look away trying to think of something else but all that is on my mind is Gale’s hands on me. His arms are around my waist and his hands are squeezing my sides. This makes me really uncomfortable. I frown and flare my nostrils because of how unfair this is. Hoe could there be a tie. It should be just me and Peeta. Gale kisses my cheek and I wipe it off. He grabs my hand and squeezes it. I swipe my hand away and run out of the room before the song is over. I burst into the hallway and am all by myself. I slide down the wall to my knees and take a start hyperventilating. Johanna comes crashing through the doors and sits beside me. She takes me in her arms and my breathing calms down. She helps me up and we go back into the dance room. There is an upbeat song playing so I join my friends and dance, no one mentions my little outburst and I just forget about it. I feel arms around my waist and they dance behind me. I turn around and find it is Drew. I look away nervously and start to create distance by dancing with Clove. I walk over to the coat closet to check my phone which I left in the pocket. When I start to head back to the dance floor I am stopped by Drew. He pulls me aside. 

“We need to talk.” he says. I nod and sit down next to him. “You don’t understand how much I missed you Kat.”

“Yeah I missed you too.” I say nervously.

“Ever since the day we met, in first grade, I knew you were the one. I love you Katniss, so much. When you told me you were moving my heart broke into a thousand pieces. I was depressed for a really long time. Then Johanna moved and I was completely alone. She knew and tried to help me but nothing worked. My cousin goes to school here and when she told me you go here I had to come see you and tell you. I love you.” he says. I sit there stunned. I have no idea what to say. I never felt that way towards him. He was just my best friend, like a brother to me. Before I can respond he kisses me but I push him away. 

“I am sorry that happened but I love Peeta. I do. I really do.” I say before walking off to find Johanna. I spot her on the dance floor and yell her name. She turns to me and sees my expression. She runs towards me with an apologetic look on her face. I pull her to the snack table. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” I scream at her.

“He told you? He finally got the guts to tell you. He told me not to, he didn’t want to ruin your friendship.” she says. 

“He kissed me! He loves me! But I love Peeta. There is no doubt in my mind about that.” I say. 

“I’m sorry but don’t let that ruin tonight. Come on let’s go dance.” she says and I smile. The night goes on and it was magical. Of course there were a few bumps but it didn’t ruin my night in the slightest. We head over to the after party after grabbing some clothes. Everyone is going to take a big group photo. We line up and stand prom style with our dates. I stand next to Clove and Annie and put on my smile. We take a few nice ones and then a few silly ones too. After that I find the bathroom and change with the girls. It is really hot and the dress code is neon. I throw on a neon pink short sleeved crop top with nylon neon teal pants. I zip up a neon yellow plastic and see through circle skirt and neon rainbow high socks. I clip on neon yellow suspenders and tie up my white high tops. I put my hair down and draw lines on my face with neon paint. I turn and get approval from everyone else. I step out of the bathroom and find Peeta. He is wearing a neon yellow t shirt and neon green shorts. He is wearing neon colorful basketball sneakers and he looks so hot. I jump into his arms and he spins me around. I kiss him and he puts me down onto my feet. He looks me up and down and smiles. I see a twinkle in his eye and I giggle. His hands glide around to my waist and he pulls me in tight. 

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