Chapter 52 : Terminated

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Peeta POV

She is just staring at the wall. I don’t know what got into her after the school dance but something snapped. She hasn’t spoken since she talked to Prim. She isn’t smiling or crying or dong anything, just staring. I walk up to Prim and mover her to a chair. She has fallen asleep resting against the side of Katniss’ bed. I pull up a chair and take Katniss’ hand. She looks at me and stares again. “Hey, I know something must have gone wrong or triggered something unhappy for you, but you’re scaring me. The silence and the blank stare is scaring me. I need to see that you are still here with me. At least a smile.” I say. Her eyes blink and go wide a little and then the tips of her mouth curl up into a smile. I grin and kiss her hand. She shifts in her bed and lays down more comfortably. Her eyes droop and she falls asleep. I don’t know why what I said worked but it did something. I watch her sleep with the slightest smile on her face. I slowly remove my hands and walk into the hallway. No one knows where we are. 

{Phone call}

F: Where the hell are you guys, I saw the ambulance this morning. 

P: Katniss is in the hospital

F: What? Why?

P: Prim found her in their front yard in a tank top and shorts. She was freezing

F: Why was she out there and dressed like that

P: We don’t know, she won’t speak

F: What do you mean?

P: She has spoken 3 words to Prim but that’s it. Something happened. She is different. All she does is stare. I finally got her to smile a little and sleep just now. 

F: Do you want me to bring everyone down to see her

P: Sure. I’ll let you know when she wakes up and what she wants you guys to do

F: Okay keep me updated.

{End of phone call}

I go to the vending machine and grab a few snacks and drinks. I am walking down the corridor Katniss is in when I hear a shrill scream. I look around and bolt into Katniss’ room. She is kicking and screaming in her bed. Nothing but shrieking is coming from her mouth. I run over and drop my stuff. I shake her shoulders but nothing changes. I cover her mouth but she is still flailing about. I uncover her face and kiss her. It’s the only thing I can think to do. Her arms and legs drop and her eyes open. She grabs me face and I pull away. She is panting and her eyes are wide. She is frantically looking around the room. “Hey, hey it’s okay. You’re safe.” I say. She starts to calm down a little and her breathing relaxes. Prim is trembling and Plutarch is trying to comfort her. Three doctors are in the doorway with extremely puzzled looks on their faces. “It’s okay, just a nightmare.” I say with a smile. They nod but don’t look convinced and walk away. “Katniss what happened in your dream?” I ask in a calm voice. She shakes her head. Nothing. No words. 

Katniss POV

Darkness. It swarmed me and choked me. I start coughing at the taste now lingering in my mouth. I look around alone and afraid. White eyes suddenly appear in the distance and dart right towards me so I scream. And scream. And keep screaming. Until my mouth is shut by other lips. I look around. I calm down, back in my hospital room. What are these dreams and feelings of the darkness? Peeta asked me what happened but I just shake my head, unsure of what actually did happen. I’m still not ready to talk. “Do you want our friends to come visit you?” he asks. I nod yes to him and his eyes are shocked but he makes the call. 

In an hour everyone is here. They slowly file into my room with pity glades. This infuriates me but I stay calm. I stare at my clean white sheets. I put on a nice smile to please them. “How are you Katniss?” Annie asks. I nod my head to her. Finnick sighs.

“Katniss, you can’t sit hear without speaking. You have to tell someone what happened last night. If it hurts you we can try and fix it but containing it won’t help at all. Say something.” he says. I hate how strait to the point he is. I take a deep breath.

“I don’t know.” I whisper. “It was dark. Really really dark. I was shaking from how far I ran. No idea where I was. I just screamed and crashed on the front yard. I couldn’t feel the cold.” I say. “I hate it here. This isn’t who I am. I want to be the girl I was before my father died. I hate myself.” I say. Everyone looks at me speechless. I sprint out of my bed and to the elevator. I take it up to the top floor, the roof and step outside. The cold floor feels good on my feet. My hair and hospital gown wave in the wind. I still don’t mind the cold. I walk to the ledge slowly. I stand up on the edge of the building. I look down and see how far the drop is to the cold hard ground. The door burst open but I stand still. 

“Katniss. Come down from there, please.” I hear Peeta say.

“Why?” I angrily say back. 

“Because I love you.”

“Not enough.” I say.

“Because I would die without you.” he says. I sigh and turn to face him. I peer over my shoulder to the drop again. I weigh my options. He takes slow and steady steps closer to me. I keep staring into his eyes. 

“But I hate it here. I hate myself. I hate everything. No one cares” I say. 

“I do! I care! Prim cares! Finnick cares! Everyone around you and in the hospital for you cares!” he says. “Don’t do this.” he whispers. “For me.” he says. I take his hand and jump down. I break down in his arms. Tears stream down my face and into his shirt. I repeat that I’m sorry over and over again. He picks me up and carries me all the way back to my room. He places me on my bed and I curl up hiding my face. Everyone leaves my room except for Peeta and Prim. I cry myself to sleep. 

After three days of getting better I was released from the hospital. I am not the same person though. I don’t know what happened the night I couldn’t sleep. I walk around lifelessly but try really hard to perk up sometimes. I wake up and get dressed in dark green jeans, a white long sleeve, and a leather jacket with my uggs. I braid my hair and grab my backpack. I walk out of the house after leaving a note for Prim. Finnick has been taking her since I have been walking to school. I head into my first class and sit in the middle. I have been focusing on my school work a lot since I have been at home instead of the gym. This week will be my first week back, today actually. I work through the day. I didn’t eat any lunch either. I have no hunger inside me. I walk home and get ready for practice. I change into a black leotard with my black spandex and black sports bra. I keep my hair braided and put on a white braided headband. I grab my bag and head to the gym. I walk inside 10 minutes early. The entire gym is pitch black since no one is here yet. I don’t know why but my breathe quickens. My heart beat speeds up and I frantically look around. I drop my bag and rush to the light switch. I can’t find it. I run my hands along the entire wall and take deep breathes. Suddenly the lightens flicker on and I spin to see Lucas standing by the switch with his bag slung on his shoulder. “What’s wrong?” he asks.

“Um nothing.” I say picking up my bag from the floor. I walk to the team room and go to my cubby. I unpack my stuff and place it all in. I take a big gulp from my bottle. The coach come in and greets us. I wave and head to the floor. I begin stretching using some new things I was taught in France. Rachel and Adam arrive and everyone welcomes us back. The coach makes us all lead the warm up which I hate doing. I don’t like being the center of attention. I go through practice silently and work my hardest. At the end of the day the coach makes Lucas and I shut down the gym. I sigh knowing how dark it will be when all the lights are out. I pack up my stuff and help Lucas clean everything up. He goes to shut off the lights and I run into the lobby where my bag is at. He comes in and gives me a puzzled look.

“What is going on with you?” he asks.

“I told you nothing.” I mumble.

“Wow you actually spoke. I thought I would just get a nod. You were so freaked out when I got here and then you ran out of the gym just now? What’s up?” he asks.

“Nothing! Just leave me alone!” I yell al little. He grabs my arm and turn me to face him. “Stop it. Let me go. I have to get home.” I say. 

“You can tell me anything.” he says. His words and his tone of voice scare me a little. 

“No…” I say and walk away and out of his grasp. I get in my car and drive home. I hop in the shower and then go strait to bed. I still haven’t eaten and I am still not hungry. 

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