Chapter 38 : Ending

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Katniss POV

Today is our last day in Greece and we are going to our last tour of the city. I am wearing a black v neck with denim shorts that have daisies on them and white flip flops. We are on a double decker bus and taking lots of pictures. We step off the bus and walk into this restaurant that has amazing hummus so we order a share size for the table. 

After the tour is over I get a call from Prim.

{Phone call}

P: You have to come home now!

K: We are leaving tomorrow

P: We are literally stuck inside the house. Cameras are camped out waiting for you to get home. It’s really annoying.

K: Trust me I wish they weren’t there either.

P: Well I can’t wait to see you! Gotta go. Bye

{End of phone call}

I shake my head and go take a shower. I have everything packed and ready for tomorrow. I am so sad we are leaving but really excited to see the gym. It is all built but we are still limited on supplies and stuff. I do a quick rinse and throw on a big sweatshirt and a clean pair of underwear. I crawl in next to Peeta. He has been a little hesitant with me lately and I think it’s because of the whole Cato thing. I don’t know why, he know I don’t like him like that. I kiss his cheek and fall back beside him. Of course if I fall asleep upset I have a nightmare. 

I wake up and walk outside to a pile of newspapers outside my door. I pick one up and it has a picture of me and Cato holding hands. I rip it only to see the pile of them below it. I stand there ripping each paper one by one when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Peeta is standing there with a sad look on his face. “It’s over,” he says. It plays through my head over and over again. I stand there in disbelief and tears stinging my eyes. I grab his face but he turns away and disappears. I run outside the hotel still in my pajamas and tear running down my face. I call Peeta’s name over and over again but the only people out here are strangers. All at once they turn their heads to me and pull out camera that flash in my face. They run towards me and bombard me. I don’t have time to run and I am now completely surrounded with no way out. I just yell Peeta’s name over and over again until someone shakes my shoulders. 

I look up to see Peeta’s face and his hands cupping my cheeks. I grab his face. “Are you mad at me?” I whisper to him. 

“No. Not really. At least not at you.” he sits back on his pillow and we look up at the ceiling. “I hate what the paparazzi say about you and Cato. I know it isn’t true it just gets on my nerves.”

“Well it shouldn’t. I love you. I don’t love Cato. You know that. Just forget about it.” I say and kiss him. He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me closer. I pull away and cuddle up next to him and fall asleep. 

I wake up to the alarm I set. I get dressed in a concert t shirt and black leggings with my chestnut uggs on my feet. I put my hair in a low ponytail and slip on a gray headband. I grab my bags and head downstairs where a car is waiting for us Clove is in the car and Cato is walking towards me. “I don’t want things to be weird between us just because of what a few papers say.” he says. 

“Me too.” I say with a smile. He takes my bags and loads them into the car. I sit next to Clove in the back and Peeta trails behind and puts his stuff in and climbs in next to Cato in the from seats. We drive over and take the long plane ride back home. 

After we drop off Clove and Cato I climb up and sit beside Peeta. I grab his hand and our fingers interlock. I rest my head on his shoulder until we pull up to his house. I wave goodbye and anticipate the flashes as we pull up to my driveway. I step out and grab my bags while trying to shield my face. Someone runs up to me and stands right in my face. “Katniss! Katniss! What is it like living near one of the hottest guys in the world, Finnick Odair?” they say I smile. 

“It’s okay only he is really obnoxious and full of himself. His girlfriend Annie is really nice though and really deserves someone better!” I yell back and jump into FInnick’s arms. Behind him everyone is standing there with signs that have my name all over it. I hug them all before pulling them inside as to get away from the real cameras. I drop my bags and run to greet Prim. She jumps on me and I kiss her head. She hands me a sandwich since I’m starving and everyone heads home. I fall back on my bed and cuddle up to Payton. It feels good to be home but tomorrow I have to actually go to the gym and check it out. We still aren’t training but the coach wants to meet with me. I fall asleep so I can get up early tomorrow morning and meet him. 

I get up and beat the paparazzi to the gym. I look and the gym is obviously twice the size and looks great. I head inside and it is beautiful. I walk into the offices and the coach is at his desk typing away on his computer. I knock on the door frame and he smiles at me. “Glad you came. I just wanted you to check out the place. He is doing a great job so far. The equipment is soon to come but we should be training in a few weeks.” he says.

“Great I can’t wait. Should I stay?” I ask. He shakes his head no so I drive to starbucks. I order a coffee and a muffin and sit down to enjoy it. I get a text from Johanna saying to come over tonight for a girls night. I go home and pack my stuff for tonight. I dress in loose coral shorts that tie and a soft tank top with black gladiators. I grab my bag and head over a little early. I stop on the way and grab a milkshake from Wendy’s. I missed american food. DOn’t get me wrong the food was amazing and there were a few chain restaurants there but it definitely wasn’t the same. I knock on the door sipping my shake when a kid about 10 years old answers the door. He puts out his hand and I shake it with a smile.”Hello is Johanna home?” I ask. He nods but stays there. “Can you let her know I’m here.” I say with a laugh. He nods again but does nothing. 

“My name is Peter. Johanna is my sister.” he says to me. We sit there for a while and I rock back and forth on my heels. “JOHANNA! SOMEONE IS HERE FOR YOU!” he yells without breaking our stare. I hear footsteps and Johanna comes to the door panting. She grabs my hand and pulls me past her brother. She drags me to her room and sits me down and closes her door.

“You’re early.” she says.

“Yeah? I didn’t know you had a brother.” I say. She is acting strange. 

“I don’t tell a lot of people. My parents are leaving with him in 10 minutes. He is sleeping at a friends house and they have some wedding they have far away so they are staying at a hotel.” Her parents yell goodbye and she says it back. A few minutes later and everyone is already here. We watch movies all night and order a pizza. I run downstairs when it gets here and swing open the door. I grab the pizza and fiddle with my wallet for money. He pulls out a camera and snaps a few pictures of me. I slam the door in his face without paying and drop the pizza on her counter. I take a piece and everyone runs down the stairs. “So what’s up with everyone?” Johanna says with her mouth full of pizza. 

“I have to tell you guys something.” I say. They all huddle in to hear me. “I got accepted into this elite training program. In France. In the middle of the school year. For 4 weeks.” I blurt out.

“CONGRATS! That’s so cool!” Glimmer squeals. 

“You must be so good to have gotten in. Good job.” Johanna says with a smirk. 

“Yay for you Kat. I am proud of you.” Annie says. Clove already knows so she just smiles at me. 

“I need you guys to watch Peeta while I’m away though. Make sure he doesn’t fool around or get hurt.” I say jokingly but for real. They nod and we finish our pizza in silence. Prim has been getting really serious with Devon which concerns me. I don’t want him pressuring her to do anything. I know she is smart enough not to let him but still. She is so innocent to me. She is my little duck and I am so protective of her. We watch more movies and I fall asleep early. I am still on Europe time. I wake up to the slam of the door. I tip toe downstairs since I am the only one who it woke up. I look in her kitchen and see Peter sitting on a stool by himself. “Hey Peter why are you home? It’s the middle of the night.” I whisper. His head turns to me and looks me up and down. I walk closer to him slowly. He shrugs and walks to the fridge grabbing a soda. I watch him with a strange look on my face. There is obviously something really messed up about this kid and that’s why Johanna never told us about him. 

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