Chapter 8 : Walking

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Katniss POV

It has been 3 weeks since my run in with Gale. I have been doing the strength building exercises for my legs at home. Peeta helps me a lot. I only have one more week left with this stupid chair. It is Friday and my alarm clock just went off. I hop onto my chair and switch into the one in my shower. After I have blown my hair out and braided I out on my makeup. I grab a white skirt and a purple crop top.  throw on a grey cardigan and a black and white knit scarf. I slip my black high socks and black boots. I grab my leather backpack and throw my books and stuff in. My stepdad installed a ramp so I roll downstairs. I grab a waffle and wheel to school. I have been doing this for the past few weeks so I get here in record time. I am lost in thought when I get a little dizzy. I brush it off and finish my trip. I pull up to school and go to the bench my friends and I meet at every morning. Everyone is here except for Peeta. “So Kat how many steps did you get to last time?” Annie asks.

“Fifteen! Once I get to twenty they say I will have enough strength to try walking and giving up my wheel chair. “ I say excitedly.

“That’s great!” Glimmer says.

“Delly, I said no! I care about her and would never want that from you! EVER!” I here Peeta say. I can’t see him though. Then I notice him running towards us with a begging Delly Cartwright trailing behind.

“But baby she can’t please you while she is stuck in that pathetic chair of hers. I can please you in any way. It could be temporary! Just while she is crippled!” Delly screams after him. That last word stung. I hate when I am called crippled. But the fact that she thinks she can take Peeta from me in a time of my weakness. He finally reaches me and kisses me passionately and I kiss back. 

“Who do you think you are Delly?! Why can’t you take no for an answer. As soon as I can stand again you are gonna wish you kept your mouth shut. No go!” I yell at her. She gives me an angry look and then runs away.

“Im sorry.” Peeta says.

“Hey, its not your fault, don’t worry” I say as we make our way to first class. When I get to my first class I sit with Clove and Glimmer. They have handicap desks in the back of each class so that’s where I have spent my last three weeks learning. I ask to go to the bathroom and leave class. As I am rolling to the restroom a note is thrown at me. I pick it up and it reads : Cross me again and you will regret it. Peeta will be mine no matter what you say. xoxo Delly. I look around but am stopped when someone grabs the back of my chair and starts pulling me quickly. This part of school is tilted so I start going downhill really quickly. I can’t see who it is so I scream. “AHHHH, CLOVE! GLIMMER! PEETA! HELP! IM BEING KID-“ I yell before a cloth is tied around my mouth. I start to cry. I can’t get hurt or else my legs may never work again. I am so close to being able to walk again and I am not going to let someone, maybe Delly, ruin that. I take a chance and turn and punch the person in the face. They yelp and stop pulling. They come to face me and my assumptions are right, Delly. 

“Did you get my little note?” she asks.

“Yes. Did you understand my little threat?” I ask sarcastically.

“Yup but you cannot stand yet so hat threat does not apply. You can’t run from me if you can’t even run.” She says. With that she slaps me across the face. I scream again and Clove comes running out with the teacher calling after her. 

“KATNISS! DELLY I AM GONNA KILL YOU!” Clove yells. Delly acts quickly and punches me in the eye and my eyes start to droop. I watch Clove jump on Delly and smack her and punch her multiple times to the ground. Peeta comes running up to me telling me to stay awake. He gets really blurry and I can’t stay awake for much longer. A few more seconds and everything goes black. I wake up in the nurses office. Peeta looks at me and a smile spreads across his lips. 

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