Chapter 33 : Vamanos

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Katniss POV

I walk into the restaurant, Max Brenner’s, my favorite. I see Peeta in a booth and walk over. I sit down and order a sprite. “I have really fantastic news but you may be upset with me.” I say. He grabs my hands and smiles. “I got into a gymnastics program for elite gymnasts. But it’s in France and it’s for 4 weeks in the middle of the school year.” I say. 

“That is fantastic. I am so proud of you. Of course I will be upset being apart from you for 4 weeks but this is such a great opportunity.” he says. He leans across the table and pecks me on the lips. We order just desserts. We order a chocolate fondue and hot chocolate for each. I dip my marshmallow in the chocolate and shove it in Peeta’s face. He eats it and get’s chocolate all over his mouth. I laugh and take a napkin to his face. I wipe it all off and eat a strawberry. When all the dipping things are gone and our cups are empty we pay the check and leave. I walk out hand in hand with him as he walks me to my car. I lean against the door and kiss him passionately. I place my arms around his neck and his go to my waist like always. This goes on for a while until my phone beeps. I groan and look at my phone. Prim texted me telling me to come home immediately. I say goodnight and drive home. I walk inside and Prim is sitting across the counter of Mom and Plutarch. I sit down next to her and she sighs and lies back in her chair. 

“I got into a gymnastics program for elite gymnasts in France.” I say nervously and bite my bottom lip. Plutarch runs around the counter and hugs me. 

“Congrats that’s incredible. Go get some rest you have been up and working all day. We can talk about this later but enjoy it.” he says and I obey by walking upstairs with Prim following behind. I put on pajama pants and a black t shirt. I tie my hair up in a bun and lie back down in bed. I am exhausted from the workout today. I finish packing everything I need and fall asleep instantly. 

I wake up to someone’s lips on mine. I smile behind the kiss and open my eyes. I see Peeta and sit up breaking the kiss.  I look out the window and the sun is just rising. I get up and throw on black leggings, my pink Brandy Melville sweatshirt, black nike socks, and my pink and chestnut moccasins. I put my hair in a low side ponytail and braid it with a white lulu lemon headband. I brush on foundation and mascara and brush my teeth. I put my toiletries in my suitcase and zip it up. I put my laptop, chargers, gum, a magazine, headphones, a bag of chocolate covered pretzels, lip balm, my wallet, my phone, and a neck pillow in my vera bradley backpack. I walk back into my room and Peeta is sitting there waiting. He walks over and kisses me on both cheeks and then my lips. I pick up my huge white suitcase and fall over. Peeta laughs and helps me carry it downstairs. I go into Prim’s room but she is still sleeping so I just kiss her on the cheek. I walk downstairs and into the car where Peeta is waiting with Cato and Clove in the back seats. We drive over to the airport, the private one. Plutarch paid for our transportation so he got us a private plane. We are escorted onto the jet and there are six cozy chairs so I take one. Peeta sits across from me and Clove sits next to me. The flight is 16 hours so we have a lot of time to kill. I watch a movie, Grown Ups, which only passes a few hours so I decide to take a nap. 

I wake up to the jolt of the plane. I grab Clove’s arm and she groans as she wakes up. The plane jumbles around a few more times before settling in. I look at the clock and we have 7 more hours left. I groan and fumble through my bag for something to do. I grab the magazine which has a bunch of the crossword puzzles and girly quizzes. Clove and I go through each of them which takes and hour and a half. We watch another movie, Dear John. Another two hours go by and I cry throughout the entire movie. I look outside and it is pitch black I look over at Peeta and Cato and they are both asleep. I glance at Clove and smile with evilness. I mouth 1…2…3 and we run over and jump on them. Peeta flails his arms which makes me fall on my to the ground. He laughs and picks me up and onto his lap. I cuddle up in his lap and and look up into his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. I lean up and kiss him. We do this for a while and I forget about Cato and Clove. I see a flash go off and I pull away. I see Clove on Cato’s lap with her phone pointed at us taking pictures. I grab for her phone but she giggles and pulls it away from me. “I will send them all to you.” she says. 

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