Chapter 14 : Late

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Peeta POV

Why did she do that. I couldn’t live with myself if Katniss got seriously hurt. I open my eyes and we and Katniss are lying on a couch. She is asleep. She looks so perfect and peaceful. I move next to her and wrap my arms around her. She wakes up and smiles then frowns. “What’s wrong?” I ask her. Then her eyes widen.

“I think…I’m gonna… be sick!” she says and runs to the bathroom. She comes back out with a confused look on her face. I wonder if she is sick? I hope she is okay, we don’t need anymore trouble for her right now. I need my girl to get better and have some light in her life. She sits back down and we cuddle. “Peeta, what happened?” she asks. 

“My mom beats me,she thinks I am worthless.” I say. She kisses me passionately. 

“Why did you never tell me? I never saw any evidence of harm…” she says.

“I didn’t want you to worry. You already have so much on your mind nowadays. I was good at applying makeup I guess to cover up any marks that showed.” I say to her putting a strand of hair behind her ear. She shivers and lays her head on my chest. All of a sudden Philip bursts through the door. 

“You guys are awake! Finally! Do you need anything?” he asks.

“I think I just need to get home, my parents have no idea where I am.” Katniss says. Philip help her up and she walks to the car. Philip drives her one and I only have her on my mind. She can’t catch a break in her life. 

Katniss POV

{Time Lapse: 2 weeks}

I get home from the mall with my mom and walk inside rushing to my room. I feel nauseous again and run to the bathroom making it just in time. I look at my calendar and call the girls over. They are all over in minutes with worried glances on their face. “Guys…I’m late…” I say to them looking down. Glimmer walks into the bathroom and hands me a test. I walk into the bathroom and take the test. We sit in my room for the longest five minutes ever and the alarm on my phone goes off. I look up with wide eyes as Clove looks at the test. 

“Oh my god…” she says and looks at me. I run over and take the stick in my hands. I fall to my knees. It’s positive. I’m pregnant. What am I going to do? Tears form in my eyes and I let them fall. They pick me up onto the bed and pull me in for a hug.

“What should I do?” I sob to them.

“Well, you need to tell Peeta first.” Annie says. So that’s what I do next. I walk over to the bakery and step inside. Peeta is behind the counter and he smiles at me. I give him and grin but he already knows something is wrong. He walks up to me and lifts my chin.

“What’s wrong?” he asks. I drop my forehead onto his shoulder. He sits me down onto a chair in the bakery and grabs my hands.

“Peeta… I’m, I’m pregnant…” I say. His eyes go big and he looks away. “Say something please,” I cry and tears start to fall. He wipes them away with his big thumb. 

“What do you want to do?” he whispers. 

“We can’t kill the baby, but I can’t give it away…I don’t know. We are only 17, we can’t be parents” I say to him. 

“I say adoption is the best option right now. But we have nine months so we have time to make a decision. We need to tell our parents. “ he says.

“Not until 3 months. That’s good luck.” I say. He smiles then leans over and kisses me. 

“We will get through this, okay?” he asks. I nod and get up to leave. I turn around but he grabs my hand and spins me. He kisses me on the lips and pulls me close. I love this boy so much. Then I hear a bang come from the kitchen.

“BOY GET IN HERE!” a woman yells. My eyes go wide and Peeta starts to walk to the kitchen.

“NO!” I yell at him. He looks back with sorrow in his eyes then walks inside. I run out of the bakery and back home. I lay down on my bed and fall asleep. My life just keeps getting more and more messy as the days go by. A dream pops into my head and I fall asleep with a smile on my mouth

I am walking hand in hand with Peeta and suddenly there is a stroller in my other hand. I look in and find a baby. The face is covered by a blanket. I look up at Peeta and smile. Then he look into the stroller and gets fear in his eyes. He stands up and backs away. Then he starts to run leaving me alone with the stroller. He is leaving me. I am now a single, teenage mother. How am I gonna do this. I am all alone with a baby. I hold the precious bundle in my arms and start to sing when the dream fades away. 

I wake back up and grab by belly. Obviously nothing is showing yet. I wipe the drips of sweat on my forehead and sit up. I get up and shower suddenly feeling really dirty. There is a conference for school in 2 hours so I get ready for that. I put on a light pink flowy tank dress with a flowery bralette and a black sweater. I slip on white wedge sandals and let my hair flow loosely. I put on minimal makeup and grab my white leather backpack with all my stuff. I walk out of the house and walk to the school. I get there and it is under a lot of construction but the assembly room is still intact so I walk inside. I start to cough as rubble gets caught in my throat. I sit down in the auditorium next to Annie. A few minutes later someone kisses my cheek and sit next to me. I look up to find Peeta. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder. I take a deep breath and start coughing again. Peeta gives me some water and I gulp it down. “What’s wrong?” he asks.

“I just breathed in some of the rubble outside when I was walking in. That’s all.” I say and sit back into my chair. Then the principal begins speaking. 

“Good afternoon students. As you can tell we are still renovating but class will be back in session in about 3 weeks. We will send a letter to your homes on the new standards and property alignment in a week or so. Keep up the online assignments and get ready to be back in session full time soon. Thank you for your time and have a nice day.” she says and walks away. We get up and go back to my place. We decide to play spin the bottle. If you refuse you take a shot. I guess I have to do everything because I cannot take shots or any alcohol for that matter. I get called on and pick Dare. 

“I dare you to run outside and stand in the middle of the street. Wait for a car to come but you cannot move. If they stop you walk up to the window and kiss them and thank them for stopping. If not well try to judge if they are and move out of the way. If you move out of the way in time try to kick the car or curse off the driver,” Finnick says. My mouth drops and I know he did this so I would say no. I can’t do this, it’s too dangerous. 

“Umm, I refuse.” I say. The girls and Peeta stare at me.

“Drink up!” Finnick says. 

“I can’t…” I say.

“Then do the dare!” he says.


“Why not?” he asks. What do I say? I haven’t told the other guys I’m pregnant yet and this is not the right time. But, maybe I have to. 

“Finn, stop it.” Annie says. He brushes her off and keeps his stare on me. I get up and walk outside standing in the middle of the road. I notice a car coming and my heart beat quickens. It is coming closer and closer. What if it doesn’t stop and I don’t realize in time. I cringe and keep my eye on the car. All of a sudden a car comes out of the driveway before my house and it collides with the other car. I gasp and fall to my knees. I look over and no one is getting out of the car. I run over and examine the damage. I cough again from the smoke and grab mu belly. I turn away and Peeta pulls me away. 

“What? How did that just happen?” I say. He just rubs my back and calms me down. We get back inside my house and I sit there silently. Finnick shoves a shot in my face and almost spills it on me. I give him a puzzled look.

“You still didn’t do it so drink” he says.

“I told you I can’t!” I say. The odor of the alcohol get in my nose and I get nauseous. I run to the bathroom and throw up feeling so much better. I get back and all the boys look at me confused. “ I AM PREGNANT OKAY!” I yell and run upstairs.

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