Chapter 19 : Released but Trapped

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Peeta POV

We walk back to the car unsuccessfully. The boys and I have been going through different parts of the woods for days now. It has been over a week since the girls got kidnapped. I really hope they are okay. I drive angrily back home. I drop everyone off and stomp upstairs to me room. I fall on to my bed and scream into the pillow. I keep promising that I will keep her safe but I can’t. I know the person who took them because they weren’t in the video and have been gone since the girls have been. I also know it was someone we hate and there is only one answer: Delly. God I hate her so much. The police are investigating in the case but it is almost impossible. I need to go to check on Prim so I walk out to the car and drive over. I knock on the door. Prim opens it with a sad face without saying anything. She looks at me then steps towards the door allowing me inside. She closes the door behind me and sits next to me on the couch. I hug her and feel my shirt get damp from her tears. She has been crying so much over this. I always put up a strong face when I am with her but when I am alone I break down. We sit like this for a while until she looks up at me. “We have to find her…” she whispers to me with determination in her eyes.

“We will soon. I am trying as hard as I can. I know she is in the woods somewhere because of the video but I have no idea where in the woods. She said her favorite place but I don’t know what that means.” I say puzzled. Prims eyes widen and she looks at me in disbelief.

“I think I know where she is.” She says sitting up and grabbing her coat. 

Katniss POV

The man comes in and grabs me again. Good just take me. He locks the door and I am propped in a chair. “Do you have my sister?” I say to him.

“Oh you like our little trick? No we don’t but we can just remember that. We have programmed different screams for each person. A scream of someone you love or multiple people.” he says with a grin.

“YOU CAN”T DO THIS TO US!” I yell at him. He slaps me and I fall off the chair. He throws the chair out of the way and pulls my shirt off. He goes over to the wall and grabs the whip. He is hitting me harder than usual. I feel it almost. Okay yes I definitely feel it. Suddenly he stops and looks around. I hear the screaming of men and my girls. They have more people. Oh no.

Peeta POV

I pick up the guys and we drive to the woods again with Prim. She takes the lead as we begin another journey into the woods. She seems to know exactly where to go. We walk for miles but I can’t think of that, I just need to find Katniss. We approach a big lake and in the distance I can see a large stone square. It has a few windows and a door in my view. We run up to it but the door is locked. “This is it.” Prim says. The boys and I count to three and bash into the door breaking it down. It has a long hallway. We look into the first few rooms and they are empty. Each door is locked but have a little window to see inside. I stop at the fourth door and see beds with sheets. I break the lock and walk inside stepping quietly and carefully. The guys are behind me with every step. I turn to my right and it is just a wall. I turn to my left and see three people asleep in the beds. They all have their back facing us so we go to take a look at their faces. The first bed has a girl with dark black hair. When I see the face a tear drops. 

“CATO! CLOVE! ITS CLOVE!” I yell. I turn to see the other faces and cry even more. “MARVEL! FINNICK! ITS ANNIE AND GLIMMER!” I scream again. The girls all sit up and look at me with wide eyes. They are bruised and have blood all over. They are not wearing shire and have become extremely skinny. They rush to their girls side and the girls look scared and surprised. I look around the room but I see no Katniss. “Where is she?” I ask them. The girls all look at each other and point across the hall. I look into the room and find Katniss laying on the ground with her back to me. A man is standing above her with a bloody whip in his hand. He is looking around the room but doesn’t see me. He just keeps slapping her back which is all scraped up. I can’t watch this anymore. I break the door knob and run in punching the man with the whip. He falls back and I look down at Katniss. Prim runs in with the three other guys. They are holding their girls in their arms. They place them gently on the ground and run over. We knock out the man with the whip and we all pick up a girl. Our girl. We run out. I hold Prim’s hand and bolt out the door. We found them, we actually found them. I run back to the car and place her in the back of the car with the rest of the girls. We didn’t think this through. All the girls are asleep or unconscious. We drive to the hospital as quickly as possible. I park and we carry them in. Doctors rush and place them in beds. They carry them away and I just wish I could go with Katniss. I just pace back and forth in the lobby waiting for news.

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