Chapter 48 : Top This

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Katniss POV

We are driving to the airport right now. Mason is driving my luggage over and I am driving with my family. Last night I had a get together and said goodbye to everyone. We pull up and I get my ticket and luggage put under the plane. I find my coach, Rachel, Lucas, and Adam and check in with them. I walk over to mom and Plutarch and give them big hugs. I hug Prim for a while. “Make sure Mason doesn’t get in trouble.” I say and she nods. I wipe away her tears and kiss her forehead. I walk over to Mason and fall into his arms. I hug him for what seems like forever until someone coughs behind me. “I have to go” I say into his chest. He nods but we don’t move. They cough again and I look up at Mason. He leans down and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls in my waist. I feel the passion and hunger and desire to last me 4 weeks. I memorize his lips and pull away. I walk away to sad to say anything else. I look back and see tears in his eyes but he keeps the smile on his face. I walk through security and sit at the terminal waiting to board. Our seats are in first class and I am sitting with Rachel. The flight is 16 hours which is way too long. We board and the plane takes off.

We get to the gym and they hand each of us a key. I am rooming with Rachel of course. Across the street from the gym there is an apartment building for all the gymnasts. We head inside and each go into a room. There are two bedrooms and a living space. My room is nice, not huge but pretty big. I unpack all my clothes and crash on the bed.

I wake up and brush my teeth and hair. We have orientation at noon. I go into the living space and find two new leotards that match for me and Rachel. They are plain black and have different shades of teal curly pipe lines all over. There are white gems that line some of the seems. They also gave us black nylon shorts and a white criss crossed sports bra. I slip it on and find a black warm up suit in my closet. I put that on and walk into the kitchen. It is filled with a bunch of fruit and vegetables and healthy stuff. I make a fruit smoothie for Rachel and I and slurp it down. Someone knocks on my door and I let them in. They do my hair and lightly put makeup on. My hair is braided in the sides and pulled back into a high ponytail that is in a six strand braid. She puts a teal scrunchie in my hair and then ties ribbon around it also. She sprays some glitter in my hair and I look in the mirror. I knock on Rachel’s door to wake her up. She comes out cleaned up and sits down with the lady. She does the same hair style and makeup for her. She leaves and Rachel gets dressed. We slurp down our smoothies and I pack my gym bag. I fill up three bottles of water and head out to the gym. I get inside and see a bunch of guys and girls in the same leotard sets. The guys have on all black suits. The coaches are lined up on the opposite side of the gym. One man with dark brown hair and brown eyes in a gray tracksuit and steps in the middle of the floor. “Hello gymnasts. We have invited you here to train with the best of the best. You will be trained as if to prep you for the olympics. This may be the hardest you train but after a month the gain will be extreme. Be prepared. Now warm up. Spread out. Our first leaders will be Katniss Everdeen and Jessica Cooke.” he says. I nervously step to the front of the mat with the blonde haired blue eyed girl. She looks me up and down and smirks. We start with 100 jumping jacks. We follow watch the head coach tells us and I do pretty well throughout the entire warm up. He splits us up and I am on bars first. I go through my routine about five times and get tips on how to fix it by this German women and they really help. The whole day Jessica is watching me closely. After we do our stretches at the end of practice I am called over by the coach. “I have been really impressed with you today. You really stood out among all the gymnasts today. We are having a mini meet tomorrow to set the ladder. I am expecting you on top. No pressure.” he says. Wow.

“Of course. Thank you so much.” I say. I head back to the dorm and shower. I sit down with my phone and call Mason. 

{Phone call}

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