Chapter 47 : Separation

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Katniss POV

I am walking up to the club for Finnick’s party with my arm linked with Johanna’s. We walk inside and the room is dark with glow lights and strobe lights. We walk up to the guys and a waiter hands me a pink drink in a champagne glass with a little heart on the glass. I take a sip and it fizzles in my mouth. The guys all dresses up in boxers that either have spades, hearts, diamonds, or clubs. They have no shirt on which is my favorite part. I dance for a few hours and have more drinks. There are ten minutes to midnight and I go find Mason. I jump on his back and he spins me around. We count down from ten and once we get to zero I stand on my tippy toes and lean up. I pucker up and one of his hands go under my tutu. I jump and smile behind his lips. I pull away and spin around. I dance the rest of the night away. I leave in a week and I have to get all my assignments ready for the trip. Mason drives me home and walks me to the door. I give him a quick peck and then head inside. I go up to my room and check my clock. It says it’s 2 am. Tomorrow is the last day of break and I’m so upset. I have to finish a project tomorrow so I am going to be really busy.

At around 5 I finish my project. I am still in my gingerbread pajama pants and competition t shirt. My hair is in a messy bun and I have my glasses on. I only use them at home with homework because I look horrible in them. Rachel has been texting me all weekend about how excited she is for the camp. I walk into the freezer and grab cookie and cream ice cream. I scoop a bowl for myself and head to the living room. I sit there and watch TV for the rest of the day with my bowl of ice cream. Wednesday night my gym is having an expedition for the little kids in the gym. We have to do a routine with the kids on our level. Of course I am with Rachel, Lucas, and Adam. Rachel and I got these really pretty purple leotards. They have an illusion top and dark purple flames that climb up my chest and back. They are covered in gems and it has flames that fall loosely and into a little skirt. The guys are just wearing black gym pants. We have acrobatic routine. I got paired with Lucas because he is stronger and Rachel is tinier than me. 

I wake up monday morning and decide to be lazy and throw on a brandy melville sweatshirt is light pink, black leggings, uggs, and my army green jacket. I put my hair in a high ponytail and slip on a striped headband. I head downstairs and grab a waffle from the freezer and heat it up. I spread nutella on it and slice some strawberries. I eat the entire thing and drive over to school with Prim. I get out and go to class. 

School goes by uneventfully and I drive Finnick home. I grab the mail and head inside. I shuffle through bills and magazines until I find three letters addressed to me. I drop everything besides those and sit at the kitchen table. One is from Maryland, one from Miami, and one from UCLA. I open the Maryland first and read it. I got in! I can’t believe it. I’m going to college! I calm down and open the Miami envelope. I did not get in there. Oh well it was not one of my top choices. I take a deep breathe and rip open the UCLA envelops. I shut my eyes afraid to read. Once I unfold it I quickly skim through it and read that…I got in! Oh my gosh! I’m going to my dream school. I jump and squeal and Prim rushes downstairs. I shove the letters in her face excitedly and she screams. I still have three more colleges to hear from but I’m pretty sure I am going to decide on UCLA. 

The next few days go by and I hear front he rest of my schools. I get into Michigan and Wisconsin but not Southern California. I have to make my decision today and I am fairly confident with my choice. I love California, even though it is really far away from New York. I have to tell Mason and see where he applied though. I am walking over to his house right now. I knock on the door and he opens it and lets me inside. I have the four acceptance letters in my bag. I sit down at the kitchen counter and face him. I pull them out and place them on the counter. He picks them all up and reads each one. He runs to his room and comes back down with six letters. He got accepted to six different colleges for football. He got into Kansas State, Alabama, Michigan, Maryland, UCLA, and Louisville. I contain my excitement over him also going to UCLA. “Where do you think you are going to go?” I ask.

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