66.Voicing out

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Joshua's P.O.V

Two weeks later,Friday. We had a baby shower for my little godchild and neice.The entire family along with friends went to the casino,cum bar cum hotel the company and I had been working on.Partying the entire time with poker chip and cards,betting and calling the night away with booze.The night crazy as the loud music boomed and the dance floor stayed occupied. He thing that surprised me was Iz didn't know to play poker and hell did we have fun. Reed had restricted the entire place of for us,for this night as family and friends celebrate in the greatness of a toddler.

Another week later,Tuesday,the current day.I busy doing though some files Reed gave me about the company so I could get used to the company business before I actually take on the chair of share holder after I graduate. Reed told me about the cameras installed in our corridor and outside the apartment to monitor just in case anything happens. I've also been taking Iz's defense skills more seriously now since this could even effect her because I know if anything happens to her I'd lose my mind.

I'm busy skimming thought the file when someone rings the bell making me wonder who on earth was it.People barely even knew we stayed here.Putting the file safely in my cupboard I check the peephole surprise by who I see.

"What happened to you Leilani?"I ask clearly seeing her dunk state but don't comment on it.

"You,you are what happened to me," her tipsy form pushes on my chest as I stare at her confused.

"did you come her with anyone? Where do you stay?"I ask wondering how she'll go home in such a state.

"Why do you care huh?Daddy going to send you a private jet or a fancy guitar?"she says as I wonder what's gotten into her to drink so much on a school night.

"You need some water, sit here,"I help her to the couch getting a glass of water giving it to here.

"You think I want your affection and care? Give it to someone else, maybe your girlfriend or do you have so much just like your disgusting dad Reed?" she says as my eyes blow out.How did she know that?No one except my family and Iz knew that,and I know none would spill it. "What you're surprised that I know about your dad or should I say both of them. I must say your mom is a complete slut and genius,"she laughs as my mind clicks with her words and I have to remind myself she's drunk. "Guess my mom was the dumbest of them all to still be hung over on that disgusting thing you call a dad-"

"How do you know that?How do you know so much about me?"I ask my curiosity picking up cause I barely even knew her.

"How wouldn't I know you when your mom is the reason my entire life is a living hell,"she yells as I try to reach over and calm her down.I wasn't getting even one word she was speaking. "If your mom would have never existed or been with him nothing would have happened. I'd happily have a mom he cared about me instead of her aged wine. Day and night I's be the one she cared for not what he thought of her.She was married for hell's sake but no that didn't even stop her,"

"What are you saying Leilani?" I ask her trying to figure this out.

"You're so dumb, aren't you? and you consider yourself a genius when you couldn't ever figure out how i ruined your life," she chuckles darkly as I raise an eyebrow at her. "Have you ever wondered Josh how your cousin and Cassandra broke up?"

"That's because of his ex,"I say wondering how she even knows they are in a relationship.

"That's what I made you believe and you were so dumb through it all.I was the one who brought Rovanna back into Tyler's life so I could be with him.The reason I told you about Zack ruffing Izzie was because I wanted you'll to break up. I kissed you purposely knowing that Izzie was there and I knew your phone was on when I mad her believe what her eyes saw. I wanted to makes sure I took everything you love and cherish out of your life.I wanted you to suffer jut the same as I did for years with no one to love you but yourself,with no one who tucks you to bed kissing your head every night and no one who's always holding your hand supporting you for everything you do.You ruined it all for me,"tears flow down her cheeks as I stare there shocked. I knew something about Rovanna never fit in but I never thought it was an orchestrated scheme but Rovanna wanting Ty back and I can't believe she told meabut the ruffy just so Iz and I could break up and that kiss that almost ended everything Iz and I had.I thought her as a friends but when in reality she was the one ho wanted to wreck my world and everything I held der and close to me but why was the big question.Why was she blaming me for all this and what does her mom have to do with Reed and her life. "The only person who loved me dyed saving my mom,a person who couldn't care less about me while you had not just one, but two dads who cared and loved you so much they'd do anything. Have you every wondered how you got into the school with your criminal record?" she asks and I can't believe she knows so much about my life. "It wasn't your mom but your dad who got you through. Every single detail of your life was taken care by people you can call parents while me?I had to do it all by myself.So I made it my plan to destroy your life to make you feel what I did,the pain,torture and horror of every new day.But I failed at it just like I failed at being a daughter that my mom never loved me- ,"I pull Leilani into my chest not wanting to hear anymore of the horrible and sad dreaded childhood she had.She didn't deserve to lose her dad that young, nobody did.

"Don't say that Leilani,she must love you in her own deep twisted way.A mother can never hate her child,"I tell her meaning every word.

"You don't know anything about my life,you have not right to say any of this when you are the reason for it all.You're the reason she started drinking more and is hospitalized.You're the reason she could've died,"she says pulling away from my grip and her words are a slap on my face. Ther reason her mother would die.Somehow the mess of my parents were more bigger than I thought it wasn't just my mom and dads but even Mrs. Adam with Leilani and me hopelessly dragged into it. Leilani deserved none of this ,she didn't deserve the pain inflicted by the past and our parents in her life.She derived better,a life she lived for herself.

"I may not know what you've done through in your life but I know it hasn't been easily for you and I'm sorry about your life being messed up because of my parents.Thats you had to lose your dad at such a young age and everything with your mom,"tears flew down her cheeks as I wrap my arms around her comfortingly wanting to make her pain go away.

"How can you be here comforting me when I try to ruin your entire life?"she asks me confused.

"Because I don't blame you for what happened with me instead I'm thankful because it's only for you that everything in my life completely makes sense and is perfect and I want to be the one do do that for you,"I smile as she try smiling though the tears. "You can stay the night here,it's already late and you're not really in the right state to be alone.I'll prepare a bath for you,"I tell her walking away.

"Thank you,"I hear her whisper as I turn around to smile at her.Somehow even after everything she did I found her a blessing in our relationship.Without her Iz and I wouldn't be as strong as we are,Cass would've never accepted the kid and Leilani would never have a true friend.

"Anytime,"I smile walking into Iz and my bedroom picking her some of Iz's clothes and extra towel giving it to Leilani.I place some snacks and drinks on the bedside table with a note that she could come ask anything she wanted and to sleep well.

Iz and I visited Mrs. Adams while she was still being hospitalized and so did my mom and dad,as in Reed.I've decided to call him daddykins or daddy since it really gets confusing.I've been thinking of a way to help Mrs. Adam and mom's advice has been wonderful, the smile on Mrs. Adam's face as she see the flower shop we brought for her proves it.Mom told me she loved flowers and plants and she knew everyone of them so this was the best thing I thought of doing for her and Leilani after everything my family have caused them.

Next Thursday Iz celebrates her birthday with the zoo and somehow I don't mind the dinosaur which surprise both Iz and me even when he had his arm around her waist.The only reason I went up to her was because she was starting to get a bit uncomfortable. Dwayne and I laughed our time off celebrating the breath-taking woman in our life.Ty was stuck with Cass at Queens and hadn't come but Mace graced the occasion at eh Frat house.The rest of the night we spend at the terrace somehow retracing our memory with finding the constellations, guess this was going to be her birthday thing until we both remember them for life.

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