63.Family talk

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Joshua's P.O.V

Why would they hide the fact that Mace and I have a brother, even if he may be half?Maybe mom thought it would break dad,I wonder but I was about to get my answers. Opening my house door I spot my parents at the dinning table. Mom looking up at me nervous and anxious something I've never seen her like while dad side hugs her. "Mom we need to talk,maybe privately?"I tell her walking towards them both, not wanting dad to hear all this in such a manner but we all deserved to know the truth.

"I guess we do,"she sighs as dad squeezes her hand reassuringly. "But we have to wait for them to arrive,"she says. So mom already knew what happened guess I had a hunch with her expression when I entered.

"Does dad know?" I ask her as she nods.

"I know about your mom and Reed, Josh.Your mom and I don't keep secrets,"dad says as I stare at him in disbelief. So all three of them knew we had a brother but no one cared to even tell us.The door bell brings we out of my thoughts.Mom goes to get the door with dad making me sit on the couch.

"I'm so sorry Ian I never thought this would happen,"Reed voice travels into the dinning room.

"Guess it would've come out one way or another. Let's just get through this alright?" mom says, my eyes focuses at the entrance to spot Mace and my half brother but the only person that enters is Reed. Guess the brother wasn't coming today.I raise my eyebrow looking at mom's hand in Reed's and then look at dad but other than pity and care for mom I see nothing.

"Why is he here when he didn't even want to speak about it?"I asks mom eyeing Reed.

"I never said I didn't wan to talk about it Josh.I said it was up to your mother,"he speaks up for himself.

"What was so important htat I had to skip my photoshot?"Mace's boots stomping can be hear throughout he house as she enters the dinning room with make-up on her face that completely contradicts her outfit. "And who the hell is he?"she asks taking in the room.

"Mom's ex fiancé,"I tell her as her eyes widen completely not prepared for this but then again who was?

"You're kidding right?"she asks looking at everyone's face and no one holds any such emotion.

"Mace sit down,your mother needs to tell you'll something,"dad says as Mace looks at me asking with her eyes if this is really happening and I nod. She sits down beside dad while Reed sits beside me with mom at the head of the table.

"I'm sorry I've never told you'll this before but it's because I never knew how to do it.I didn't want to change anything in our lives and I may have been selfish but I thought it was best for you both.In the end you'll both deserved to know it,"mom takes a deep breath as dad smiles at her encouragingly. "You'll both know I got married to your dad eighteen years back when I was 24 and that I had Josh when I was 22,"Mace and I nod knowing that. "But before all that happened I was with Riv-Reed,"she corrects herself and I don't see the point but Mace doesn't know that part.

"Let me guess, this guy?"Mace asks looking at Reed and I know she wondering how did mom like him.Mom nods continuing on.

"We meet at university and fell in love instantly.We were close Prax,Josh's boss and Reed.I was 20 when I agreed to marrying Reed but things didn't really work out. Reed was busy with his dad's company being the acting CEO since he dad was ill. Classes in the morning and work everywhere in between, we barely had time for each other but we made it work.Our wedding kept getting delayed and I was fine with that until a year later found out I was pregnant. I was happy and excited at that we'd be starting a family.I was busy helping him with his dad's company, negotiating for deal and anything I could in between. Our relationship went in the direction of profession. As time passed by I never really felt the love,care and warmth I wanted for myself and our son. I wanted a better life for him more than myself.I wanted to stay with Riv cause I knew he loved me but was occupied by his work so I kept believing in our relationship, but when I was pregnant my love only stayed for our son.The love I had for it was more than I ever had. I couldn't let him live a life like that,I wanted what was best for him,I wanted what was best for you Josh," tears flow down her face as I stare there shocked.Me?Why did she say Josh when we had a brother?That didn't make sense.My mind mind goes through everything mom said I stay there paralysed.It was impossible but made sense.It completely fit.

"What do you mean by Josh?"Mace asks confused as I look at Reed.Tears streaming down his face as he looks at mom.

"Josh isn't my son,he's Reeds,"dad says as my eye blow off at the words.

"What do you mean by he's Reed's son?Mom and you were together,Josh is my brother,"Mace says reasoning but then again no onw ever said who's son I am and who ever asked the man you raiss then if it's their father?

"I was pregnant with Josh before I met your dad again Mace,"the words sink into me.

"You're kidding me right?You're telling me you lied to us this entire time that Josh and I were sibling?That he sin't my brother,"Mace yells. "You know what I don't want to hear any of this.I'm sorry but I'm just done here,"Mace looks at all of us her eyes lingering on Reed and me and I'm sure she seeing the resemblance I never noticed myself until now. Her eyes of sorrow,pain,hurt and mistrust as she looks at me for one lond second before stomping of to her room.The bang of her door ringing through the entire house.

"How could you never tell me that mom?How could you lie to me my entire life about something as important as who my dad was?"I want to yell but I can't believe someone who I trusted so dearly could ever do something like this to me.She was my mom for god's sake.

"I never knew how to tell you about it Josh.Everything was so messed up and-"

"He's my dad, mom.I can take it.You never were going to tell me were you?"I ask making the realization and she doesn't reply giving me a clear idea. "I came here thinking I had a brother when in reality I was the guinea pig.My life is completely tainted.How many more secrets do you have?Is there anything else you left?" I ask tiered of this. "I honestly can't understand how you call yourself my mom when you lied to me start to my faces since I was born," the last part come out as a yell.How hard was it for her to just tell me my dad was someone else.All she had to do was say the words it was my decision what I did after that.

"Josh," Reed yells along with dad, "Do not talk to your mother like that,"as I chuckle at the ironical family I have. A completely messed up chain where they knew it all.

"Josh,please just talk to me,"mom gets up.

"Talk was what you had to do a long time back,"I get out of there as quick as I can banging the front door shut with rage of everything that just happened.The lie and joke of my existence and life.Starting my bike I see Mace at the bay window tears running down her cheeks making me hate the world and myself more.Our eyes meet conveying our messed up emotions over everything that just exploded on us.Guess our lives were going to change after all and I was the pond creating the mess in this game of chess.

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