51.Time to re-write Shakespeare

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Isabella's P.O.V

I barely ever fought and raised my voice on anyone and doing that on a person I love and care for is horrible.Tears flows down my eyes endlessly as the entire scene recounts in my head.Why couldn't  my dad see that we loved each other?Why was he so blinded in the main their divorce crated that he can't let me be happy.My childhood was ruined because of that very decision of theirs and now so was my present.Why should some else flaws and mistakes affect us?There was no running away from my past and even after accepting it,it still managed to ruin my life;my only chance at happiness.The way I feel with Josh is something worth fighting for and I know that because if it's not him I don't think it could be anyone else.Josh was like the very frame that held the puzzle together.He wasn't the missing piece;that was my acceptance.He was the very thing that made me complete,fixing all of me together to give rise to something new and beautiful.He was like the curves of every piece,imperfect yet designed to perfection and he was the only one who could help me now.I wanted to get out of here,far away from my dad because I honestly couldn't recognize him anymore.The things he said and the way he did was unbelievable.I always knew my dad didn't like Josh but this was just taking it too far.

More tears flow as I realize my words and actions;I lost my dad today.I lost one of the most loved person in my life,my stronghold and strength.I needed Josh.Picking my phone I ring his number as I pick one of his hoodie,putting it on me.The last thing I want is to talk to my dad again,I wanted to get out of this house and that's exactly what I was going to do.I jump of the window feeling some pain in my leg but with all the emotional pain its nothing.

"Hey..,"he stops surely hearing my sobs. "Iz what happened?Did he say anything or do anything to you?Iz,answer me?"He was getting worried,I force the words out of my mouth.

"Can you-can you come and get-get me, ple-a-se,"I cry into the phone hoping he hasn't gone far.

"What wrong Iz,tell me?"I know he's trying to be as gentle as he can ,more sobs erupt from me. "I'll be there okay.I'll come get you in some minutes.Please don't do anything that will kill me please?"he pleads as I chuckle sobbing.

"You always know to-light-en my mood,"I smile as the tears stop flowing.

"I'll be there,just be alright okay,"he say okay offing the call waiting for him to arrive as I walk down the street but realize I've sprained my ankle.Sitting down on the pavement I know I look like a complete mess.My eyes surely red from crying,the oversized hoodie of Josh on me ,the hood covering my face from anyone I know.Hearing the fimiliar sound of Josh's bike I push back his hoodie to see him there.

"Iz,"he walks towards me taking in my appearance as I stand up only to end up falling because of the pressure on my angle.Josh arms catch me before my head hits the floor. "What happened?"he holds my face in his hands as tears threaten to fall but the pain in my leg has me leaning into him as I wince holding my feet up.

"I sprained my ankle,I guess?"I say as he shakes his head at me smiling.

"My Miss Klutz,come let's go to a pharmacy and get you a bandaged,"he scoops me in his arms. "So much more sexier right now,"I blush with him lowering the hoodie on my hair.

I cry silently as we make our way to a restaurant instead of the pharmacy.Josh orders something for the both of us,telling me to eat it and that he'll be back with some bandage for my leg.Warning me not to move which makes me chuckle.The guy sure cares a lot.I try to eat the pancakes but it's just impossible.Tears flow down again.Josh comes towards me shortly concerned seeing me cry.

"It's just my ankle,"I try and smile at him.

"I know it isn't your ankle Iz and if you feel like talking I'm here,"he smiles squatting down beside me,keeping my foot on his thigh as he wraps the bandage around my ankle gently. "All done,do you need some pain-killers?"

"Yep,"I smirk poiting towards my lips as he chuckles pecking them.

"What did the pancackes ever to do you,"he sits with his chair beside me,our knees touching as he faces me holding the fork to my mouth.

"Nothing,"I sob trying to swallow it.

Joshua's P.O.V

"Iz,"I wrap me arms around her pulling her close toward me as she lays her head on my chest.I can't bear to see here like this.What happened after I left?I shouldn't have come.I can feel her tears drenching my hoodie and it's kind of funny and sweet how she's wearing the exact same one.I run my hand through her hair,rubbing her back as hugs me tighter.

"He threatened me Josh-he threatened me to break up with you.He's so caught up in protecting me and the relationship with him and mom that he doesn't care about me.He said I was low Josh and that he-that be can't recognize me-me as his dau-ghte-r,"she cries and can't believe my ears.I knew he hated me but taking it out on Iz wasn't right at all.I can only imagine how much it's broken her.She loves her dad beyond measure and hearing such things from the ones you love isn't easy. "I'm not going to break-up just coz he doesn't believe in you,I believe in us and I'm ready to fight against him or us both. The only reason he let us be together is because he thought it was a rebellious phase Josh-he doesn't believe in love.He won't let be out of the house anymore,he won't let me do anything I want and he won't let me be with you Josh.He's too determined.Let's go away from here,I can get my stuff anything later it doesn't matter.I don't want to stay with him anymore if he can't except the fact that you're my future.I won't Josh coz I really love you,"she says fast as I stare at her shocked.I never expected this and it most certainly has me flabbergast that Iz would choose me over her family;over her dad.

"Iz I can't let you do that,I can't make you choose me over your family.Your dad is the only closest form of family you have and I can't let you spoil that because of me.I love you Iz and I'm ready to fight for us but I don't want you to risk your friends or family for me;I'd never want you to do that,especially not for me.There's only just a week left,stay with your dad and try and make amend okay?"I wipe her tears,pushing her hair back.

"I don't want to even look at him-,"I put my finger on her lip.

"For me?"she frowns. "Just a week I'm not asking for you to smile around him 24/7 but just try and look past it.Just a week and then we can go back to manhattan,I'll even pick you if you want,"I smile as she nods. "Did you tell him about moving in together?"

"No, was going to later today but..,"she says dramtically pointing to her ankle and in between us.

"It's fine just let him know later,yeah?"she nods her head as I kiss the top of my hoodie wondering how will the new year be.

"Thank you for everything Josh,"she kisses my cheek lying on my chest as I feed her the pancakes,sipping my smoothie with I'm taking care of my beauty.

Late we go back at her house,checking that her dad is watching television we sneak behind the house.Picking the lock she goes back into her room and must I say it's pretty funny sneaking your girlfriend back into her house especially when she wearing your hoddie and leggings that defines her figure making you forget why you were there in the first place.God,we were going to be the death of each other.

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