59.Wishes and Wants

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Joshua'a P.O.V

Claming Iz done has been the most hectic job ever since even I don't know how this is going to turn out.I don't want to give her unrealistic fake hope and don't want to seem completey positive and sure of a proper outcome.Lieing to her would break my heart and I don't want this to be in such a way. Seeing her this way is hard enough as it is making my own anxious and nerve nous taken over but I keep calm knowing me panicking won't do any good.She need to be mentally prepared if something happens since the nurses weren't telling us much and that even after both a businessman and amateur negotiator tried.

Though I have my uncertainties Reed seems to be certain that nothing is going to happen comforting her as well and I'm glad to have him here since I know how comforting he can be.She has stopped crying long back and I'm glad since crying doesn't really help at this point and it's a wasted attempt.I tried telling her to sleep for a bit coz she doesn't stay awake so late.It's already way cross midnight but I don't blame her for mot being able to sleep so I don't push her to do so.My head rested back against the wall as we sit on chairs waiting outside the operation theatre.Iz lying on my shoulder with our hands intertwined together on my lap,her leg tugged under her in a kneeling position as I kiss her head reassuringly.Her hair tied back by me beaucse of her constant tugging of it in nervousness.Reed sitted opposite us as he watches us both and stay on his phone giving us privacy if we need.He's brought her some water since she wasn't going to let go of me and I didn't want to drag her all the way across two long corridors.

Hearing the buzz of the room,I look up to see white jackets exit together.

"Family of Mr. Meyers?"he asks as Iz hops off towards him.

"Yes,how is my dad?"her voice cracks at the end as I take her hand in mine squeezing it,a faint smile on her lips.The doctor raises an eyebrow at me and then looks at Reed.

"Boyfriend and his CEO,"Reed says pointing towards me and himself giving the doctor what he needs.

"Do you wish to talk privatly?"he asks Iz formally ignoring us both.Damn,procedures,how much more can they make her take.

"No,I'm comfortable with you speaking in front of them,"she says and I know she trying to be brave even though even wall of her cracked afte that call.

"Well then Miss Meyers,your dad had suffered injuries because of his accident.Broken ribs,distal radius fractures,internal bleeding and severe loss of blood.We managed to control major of the aspects.You can visit him in a few hours and then I shall give you a report,"he smiles like he didn't just say be was damaged to a horrible extent and to say both me and Reed caught his 'managed to control major aspects' would be a lie.Doctors and businessmen were similar in few ways and that was using words to their advantage.The minor remained;it wasn't he is fine or be dischared in a few day,meaning there still was a risk.

"He's fine? I can visit him?"she asks unbelieving.

"Yes,he's stbale for now and you'll be able to visit him.Though I'd suggest you be prepared for the worst,"the doctor says as Iz freezes but nods her head.

"Okay.Thank you,"the doctor nod professionally at her.He walks away letting us know that a nurse will inform us as to when to visit Mr. Meyers.Reed follows after the doctor as I turn towards Iz.

We walk towards the room the nurse said her dad is in after a lot of wait.As we approach the room,the door opens revealing Reed stepping out making me wonder ehat was he doing there in the first place when Iz should have been first.He talk to a senior doctor and the one we meet before and I notice he suddenly surprise at seeing us both before he masks it.Iz doesn't seem or notice it.Looking at the number again she pushes open the door revealing her dad in a room with a bed,IVs and ventilators and cardiogram. Pipes and tubes inserted through his veins transport  liquids drop by drop through the transparent fluid tubes.

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