45.Ever been to the Zoo

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Joshua's P.O.V

The morning after the wedding we woke up and everything was fine until Iz took her phone and saw messages from none other than the pig-no he was Daw-I still hated the guy.She seemed to be more interested in him than the night we spend together so we ended up making love again so she remembered who was more important. The woman literally drives me crazy and has me high on her.Just the smell of her hair,the fragrance of her skin and hell it's taste.She really is a divine Goddess come down just for me.

While we cuddled she drew patterns on my chest circling around the beautiful marks she's left on me.She asked me what I meant by her being my breath and purpose of life and I explained her how life was just normal and basic without her in it,how time seemed endless and days full of boredom and dread that is without family and our little gang back home. The way my life changed after the spilled her coke on me,the way I wanted to be better for her,the way she made me strive for better in myself in all aspects and the way she'd push my buttons like no could ever before. Especially the way she treated my heart and blinded me in loving her to only want her to be with me till the end.Without her my life didn't have a meaning,I had no reason to push myself,to strive harder or someone like her to impress.It was family forever but she changed that,she changed me and how I couldn't see a life without her.We promised to trust each other over anyone else even though we knew we weren't so fine on the trust right now,and to always talk thing out rather than to make assumption that can have us both dying with pain.

We had spend the entire day of Sunday together,roaming through the streets,having lunch out,talking about our time apart and our possible future.Iz never spoke much after the future and she barely dwelled into our future.I wouldn't say I was sad about the fact that she didn't dwell in the future coz I knew she had hope for her future and everything came crushing down on her after that one decision of her parent.It hurt her so bad that she never wanted to have hope about her future, but the she was talking about us.Just the fact that she did filled my heart with utmost happiness, that she really saw a future with me where she'd really be pregnant and we'd have a family.

So here we are Monday morning.This week I've got my job in the mornig and Mr. Rivera wanted to meet me early to dicuss some important details for our meeting later this week.Iz stayed the night and was busy dressing up in what she had from the wedding.She never went back so we drove to the place the guy stays so she could change and I could drop her to her first class.We took the lift and she was already hurrying up,ten steps ahead of me.She smilled and something about it felt wrong,opening a door she went in. "Belle where were you all weekend,"I hear a very familiar male voice making my blood boil.God,when did freaking dinosaurs come back?

"Um...,hi,"just by her voice I knew she was nervous and by hell she had to be,but the fun was only beginning.

"Babe,"I smile walking into the room putting my arms around her waist. I could notice her body stiffen expecting me to react differently. "There you are,"I kiss cheek and looking straight at the beautiful Jurassic period I smirk touching my tongue to her neck covered with my marks.I notice his eyes move to my tongue and then her neck spotting my breath-taking work of art on her,his eyes widening in disbelief. I smirk as anger reads in his eyes.God,he had to be burning like hell and I was going to completely enjoy this.

"Jealous much,"Iz whispers chuckling knowing exactly what I am doing; stating that she was mine.

"You know me too well,"I whisper into her ears still holding her wasit,her back to my front. "Though I know you don't like him as well,"I smirk as as bites her lip looking at me.She really has to stop doing that or I might just want to kiss her every time she does.

"What is he doing here?" the fossil speaks. Or more like yells pointing at me as I can't hide the smirk on my face.

"Crushing your dreams boy.I said I was your competition but I forgot to let you know I your worst nightmare,"I smirk. "Are you going to tell him,"I whisper into Iz's ear.

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