61.Infancy;first and second

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Joshua's P.O.V

Waking up at 8:30 to an annoying alarm we both decide to get up knowing we have a long day ahead of us.Our eyes inly slits after the restless night.freshening ourselves we head down to the kitchen.

"Iz eat your beakfast,"I tell her after she's tried avoiding looking at the plate for three whole minutes.

"I don't feel like it,"she plays with her fingers,her mind partially here.

"At least try and have your coffee,you'll need some energy," I push the cup near her.

"I said I don't want it,"she yells at me and then realizes her putburst but I'd never blame her coz I understand it. "Sorry,I didn't-,"she apologizes but she doesn't need to coz she's in pain and grief.

"It's okay.You don't have to eat now if you don't feel like it but you aren't skipping lunch alright,"she nods into my chest knwing that wasn't really a choice coz if I have to I'd restrain and feed her myself.She needs her energy and here body won't be able to keep up without any intake.Especially after her lack of sleep,I'm surprised that she even woke up with as much sleep as we got since she sleeps a lot.But then I understand her mind is what craves the need not her body.

"I'll have the coffee,"she tries smiling at me but then glares at the cup of coffee making me chuckle.Once the liquid is on her tongue,you can understand her love ofr the very thing as she chugs down most of it.

My hand on Iz's thigh as I drive into her neighbourhood in Reed's car, since he told us to take it and that he'd be fine.

"I know I said you were strong Iz but that doesn't mean you can't be weak. In our flaws we find wonders and in grief we see hope. You don't have to build your walls up against me,be your true self coz I don't want you to hide and suffer alone. I want to be there for you in everything we do,I want to grow old with you"the memories of Tyler's wedding filling my mind as I tuck back her hair looking inot those scared but confident glossy ruby eyes.

"Thank you,"she whispers tearing rolling of her cheek as she kisses my hand on her face. "I love you,"our eyes locked together as I round the turn parking inot her house.

"I love you too babe,"I squezzes her hand as she smiles about to lean in for a kiss when she dashes of to the figure I spotted when I drove in.

"Dwayne,"she yells running into his arms as I smile leaning against Reed's car to give them their privacy.He truly is like a brother and friend to her,their bond radiates kilometers far as I wonder how I never spotted it. After I believe therir moment si over I walk over to Iz knwing that she wants me by her side coz she's scared to lose anyone else. "How did you know?I forgot to call you,sorry,"she smile apolitically.

"It's fine babycakes,your boyfriend called me in the night,"he nods in my directioin as Iz looks surprised.Yep,I don't have his number so I called from her phone that is by unclocking it when she was asleep uing her thumb. Funnily in our relationship we have enough trust not to poke our noses in echother private matter such as phone or accounts coz honestly I find that absurd. 'Babycakes' really I cringe internally.

"You called him?"the amusement and disbelief clear in her voice.

"Yes,I knew you'd want to see him and babe I don't have an issue with him,"I tell her knowing where this is going. Okay maybe I do but just a tiny ounce and she doesn't need to know coz it nbarely even exists to me. She chuckles along with Dwayne and god cruify me it they both are going to team up gaisnt me.

A older woman comes out of the house and I'm sure it's her grandmother and when she stsrts speaking in Spanish it's confirmed. "Isabella, estaba tan preocupada por ti, mi pequeño bebé. Después de que tu madre me dijera todo ... lamento mucho que lo hayas perdido tan pronto,"her grandmother holds her close as her eyes go glossy comforting her granddaughter who lost her dad. 'Isabella I was so worried about you my little baby.After you're mother told me everything it...I'm so sorry for you losing him so soon'

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